The Pros and Cons of Being Single

The grass is always greener on the other side. One does not value what one has and wants what he does not have! The same goes for relationships. When you’re single, you long for a relationship and when you are in a relationship, you notice all the perks of being single. 

Well, seeing this, I took it upon myself to clear the confusion up and help people decide better. And what better way to do it then to lay down exactly what is special and what is not about each scenario. I’ll sleep better knowing I helped humanity! Haha!

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Pros of Being Single

1. Not Being Tied Down

You are a free bird when you are single. You can do what you want, when you want it. Want to spend the night out with your friends? Do it! Want to play video games all day long? You can! Want to build a cabin in the woods and live there for no apparent reason? You can do that too…but don’t do it. I hear wild animals like human meat.

The point is, you don’t need to take the needs or desires of your partner into account and therefore you don’t feel tied down.

2. Less Drama

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Admit it. There are arguments and fights even with the one you love. It may happen sometimes or it may happen regularly depending on the person you’re with. There are emotional episodes where you might be left wondering what you did. 

There is no jealousy (who’s she? why are you checking out her Instagram). There is no interrogations! (Where were you all night?). All in all, there is less drama in your life no matter your gender. Peaceful life is a nice life. That’s my motto. 

3. More Money For Yourself

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I have a problem with the person who first said, “More money more problems”. If you think the same, I would be glad to take your money! Haha.

When you’re single, you save a lot of money. You don’t have to take your girl out for dinner (if you’re a guy). You don’t have to buy your partner birthday presents, or gifts on valentine’s day or Christmas presents. That means you have more money for yourself. Use that money. Treat yo self!

4. No Worrying About Looks

I am going to be a little stereotypical on this one. This is specially for girls (because guys don’t care what we look like, or at least I don’t). You don’t need to worry about your messed up makeup from yesterday. Or having to select the perfect dress for your date with him. Or as they say in some countries, “Looking pretty for your man!”

You can just not give an eff and roam around in your pyjamas. Hell, you could go one step further and not wear any make up at all!

5. Glorious Uninterrupted Sleep

There is no waking up in the middle of the night just because your partner had a bad dream and wants some “company”. You get to have all the covers, which means you won’t freeze to death. Also, your hand will really be grateful as it is saved from all the pain and numbness it would go through while spooning.

There is no choosing of sides. The whole bed is yours. Spread on it like you would butter on bread! More space to sleep is more quality sleep. Also, you won’t be interrupted by your partner’s alarm one hour before you wake up just because they want to “work out”, early in the morning!

Cons of Being Single

1. Sometimes You Get Lonely

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Human interaction is very important for everybody. And to have that special someone is even more. Without him/her you might sometimes end up feeling lonely. Specially on valentines day or some other occasions. Point is, you need someone to share your good and bad times with.

Doing something alone is cool but doing it with someone and creating memories along the way is really something special. You could travel together, watch your favourite shows together and even play games together. What fun!

2. Feeling Left Behind

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Many a times it happens that your closest friends all get boyfriends/girlfriends and you start seeing lesser and lesser of them and you might end up feeling left behind and alone.

3. Lack of Intimacy

When you are single, you may say things like it’s more peaceful and the lack of drama is just pristine. But you know what else is pristine? Intimacy. Love for that someone special. It’s the bond that people cherish. All the little things.

Like talking to your partner after a terrible day, holding hands on a beach, support during a crisis, motivation to achieve your goals and even spooning! (still bad for the arms though). The point is having someone in your life that you deeply care about is really special. It speaks to the soul.

4. Lack of A Helping Hand

Having one person around can be very helpful. There are some things that guys do better and some things that girls do better. Having a partner really helps you get things done. Things you would have otherwise spent a lot of time stressing about, trying to figure out.

Also, there is a division of labour and you could save up on time for doing something that you enjoy doing with each other.

Follow me for more awesome content @sauravrungta. :)


Married 15 years...
You're forgetting the pro's of being married, in a functional relationship.

  • Having someone you can trust
  • Not having to delete your phone history
  • Endless support and companionship
  • The power of 2
  • No drama

The list goes on. A relationship is an amazing thing to behold, and they don't come cheap. We've been working to be our best selves for nearly the same 15 years we've been together.

Finding a partner who's willing to work with you, toward common and worthwhile goals, is just amazing. Being with them 15 years later is a fantastic journey. Wouldn't miss it for the world. ;)

Thanks for posting this.

Relationships also lead to kids...

Do/Will you Lie to Yours About Santa?

My pleasure.

I used to be in the "single rocks!" camp. Knowing what you're missing will change that in a heartbeat. lol

haha! i hope so ;)

I am single and this the first time after 16! Years. Can't wait to see how it feels and where it takes me next. A butterfly got wings again to fly into freedom.

Sorry to hear it didn't turn into a beautiful thing, like my wife and I have.

Good luck with your next choice of actions. :)

I noticed PROS are 5 and CONS are 4...
Does it mean there are more pros? :D

well, i am single myself. so i miiiiiiight be a little biased :P

Pro: Don't have to delete your browser history daily... or incognito mode at all!

i was about to include this but decided not too at the last moment! :D

After 15 years with my wife, I don't suffer from a lot of the 'cons' of a relationship. Why would you have to delete your history? ;) We talk about everything anyway.

haha! wife is one thing....a gf on the other hand........ well!!! :D ;)

She was my gf for 7 years first. ;)

A relationship works a whole lot better, when you're both working toward the same goals. huge difference from simply, 'having a partner.'

single for so long, I don't even think about it :S
Is there life beyond single?

there is my friend, there is! it's a mysterious land, the map to which exists only in the hands of certain people! :P

haha! so it begins on steemit as well! :D

I want that beautiful woman next to me. how amazing my woman feels and she is so sweet to me. I will take all the chaos. Fun post.

good for you man! cheers and thanks for reading :D always, all ways. To the point since I am single bachelor for life.

Finding the right person is always better than being alone. People often fear being alone and just latch onto new relationships to fill the discomfort of not being comfortable being alone.

that's the thing...both the worlds have so much good things! I wish we could have both at the same time! haha!

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