An Open Letter to My Future Wife - Whoever That May Be

I believe there is a person out there; someone who will not make me pay for the sins of their past relationships or judge me based off them. I would try my damndest to do the same for them because I believe that’s what it means to give someone a chance.

I believe there is a person who wants me to get involved in important aspects of their life and wants to get involved in mine, but will also not condemn me if it happens that some of those aspects really aren’t for me. Just as I would not condemn them if they are not completely in love with all of mine.

I believe overall they would still be supportive of everything in my life, as I would with them, but I do understand some things they will be a big a part of and some things they won’t.

I believe there is a person who has enough respect for me and I for them that there is no fear to be completely honest; they won’t treat me like an alien for having a different point of view. They realize what’s important is we support and respect one another, knowing our overall core beliefs are similar.

I believe there is a person who realizes, as I do, when you let someone into your life it also changes your life. In order to grow a relationship you need to make time for it and that it takes time, as well as compromise and even sacrifice.

I believe in the end what’s most important is honesty, respect and caring for one another……... everything else is really just details.

I believe someone out there truly understands what I’m saying here, but still realizes that even if all of the above is achieved, you still need to fall in love for it to all come together and work.

Mitchell J


May you find someone who isn't perfect...but is perfect for you. :)

Guess it's exactly the experience of past relationships that is speaking in this letter. ;)
It's a good thing you know what a woman you want as your wife. Not so you can "match the criteria" with every woman you meet, but so that you're a sure to meet her eventually, as we find what we seek. Just be careful and attentive - it's easy not to recognize the One.
Wish you luck and love!

Yep - Passed experience enlightens us and also acts as a road block if we let it.

I believe for every drop of rain that falls...

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