in #relationship8 years ago (edited)
Hello friends today I am sharing my thoughts on why diamonds are woman's best friends.

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Diamond - For me is a mystery, made of simple carbon but when changed and transformed to a diamond it catches everyone's eye, especially the woman no matter where they come from or what economic class they belong to, they would love to have one. I have always wondered why women are so crazy for diamonds, be it a diamond engagement ring, diamond encrusted pouch, diamond-encrusted shoes. Sometimes I begin to wonder, Why the obsession for diamond among women? Am I the only one puzzled or do all the men think the same way? I think in our society, we have equated expression of love with the amount of money spent on it. So women desire diamond not just because they are finely shaped but because of the economic and societal value. Over the years, it has been very closely positioned as a symbol of love and affection. As a result of this, it has become a social norm today to get diamonds for different purposes. Studies show that the craze for diamond rings are the best choice for an engagement when compared to gold or other metals.

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There are several reasons why I think women are obsessed with diamonds. 

 •    Symbolic: 

Diamonds are usually bought either for an event or to represent something special between people. For instance, a diamond engagement or wedding ring symbolizes the special and unique love between the couple, a diamond necklace or studs given to a child on her birthday might       symbolize acceptance, pride and family bond. Every diamond jewelry usually has a beautiful story to tell and a unique emotion attached to it.

•    Uniqueness: 

Diamonds are perfect and unique, and every woman wants to feel special and cherished wearing them. This makes the piece of gemstone irreplaceable and cherished by women. There are other reasons why women are crazy and obsessed towards diamonds, not just because diamonds are beautiful but they are strong, unique and long lasting, just like women expect their union to be. Diamond share a lot of what women want not just from relationships but from life.

•    Real gemstone: 

We cannot doubt the fact that diamond is seen as the zenith of all jewelry among ladies. They are better than other forms of gemstones and women love when their spouse buy them something precious and the best. It reads in their mind that he/she loves them and is not afraid to show it.

•    Sparkle: 

To a lot of people the diamond as a jewelry looks quite divine because no other gemstone can sparkle like it does and women love flashy things so they are easily attracted to it because of the sparkles it possesses.

•    Social Signifier: 

Diamond creates acceptance and connections because of its expensive nature and ability to attract other ladies. Diamond is also a great way to make friends jealous, to look trendy and socialite. In short, it helps to boost women’s ego even for the ones who don’t seem to have much of it. Most women when interviewed on how they felt for the first time when adorned with a diamond property, were quick to express the way they felt and how royal it made them feel. Diamond shows wealth and societal status to others around.

   Fashionable Choices: 

Diamond jewelry is an accessory that can be used with many different outfits and styles. It is a form of ornament that interacts well with the different style. Women like to wear jewelry that they feel properly reflects their personality, what they like and what they don’t like and who they really are. Diamonds vary in size, shape, color, cut and this choice gives women the options to not only find a style of jewelry they like but also the kind of diamond they want.

To conclude - whatever the reason may be, the sparkling brilliance or the dazzling beauty, women will always cherish to possess a diamond.


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