Why are most male children closer to their mothers than fathers and the female children more close to their fathers than mothers?

in #relationship6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

According to Sigmund Freud, this phenomenon stems from the boys developing Oepidus Complex and Electra Complex for the girls.

The trend begins from when the boy or girl starts noticing they have something in common with their father or mother respectively. And also some things their father or mother has that they don't.

In the case of the boy, as soon as he is conscious enough to know he has the same attributes like penis (especially penis) with his father that are different from those of his mother. He starts to unconciously 'feel' a competition with his father for his mother's attention and time.

According to Freud, he is likely to develop Oepidus Complex, which results in the fear or suspicion of his father taking away that thing they have in common. All these plus the motherly care make him to start bonding with his mother more.

It is more of the same for the girls, once a girl starts noticing unique attributes in his father that are different from those she possesses with her mother. She become envious of those attributes. She starts seeing her mother as a competition for her father's attention and time (which is the goal).

A girl deprived of that fatherly attention and time may likely develop affections and desire for men that has the same behaviours like her father regardless of whether they are good or bad.

Also at puberty, when both genders start desiring members of the opposite sex who are mostly unavailable all the time (or at all). The girls find solace in their fathers and the boys in their mothers. Which is why In a normal home, a girl 'earliest' boyfriend is her father. And the boy earliest girlfriend is the mother.

This theory is from Sigmund Freud and my reference is a post I made on "Daddy Issues" about 6 months ago. Here is the post



Exactly! Oepidus and Electra complex.

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