Relationship Talk II, Contributed By @Olawalium

…continued… from part 1


Mutual respect should exist in any kind of relationship and that is what will bring about better co-existence and fostering of togetherness or love.

We also need to understand that we can’t ignore the aspect of being friends with those we claim we love. You need to always look at your partner with the eyes of friendship. You know how you are with your friends; how you are free and willing to do naughty things without fear of being judged, then it is expected we are with our partner in the same way. Sometime life will happen and you might keep wondering if love is ever enough, but then the friends in you can kick into the fore and you will be able to get through any moment together. Never stop being friends with your partner. Be as real as you can be.


Another important point I would like to share is that, we should understand the law of self-disclosure. We all need to be able to reveal who we are just the way we are to our respective partners. Nothing should be hidden. Let them see your fears, your insecurities and your wholehearted love, and let them still love you all the same. A lot of people would always hold the fear that if they let themselves go and they know everything to know about them, then they will use it against them. There should be no fear in love. If they can use it against you, they never really loved you in the first place as they claimed to be.

As I earlier mentioned, relationship takes a lot of responsibilities and with more love comes more responsibility. The place of a need cannot be rejected in this. In a relationship, you need to understand the place of needs for your partner.

There are needs that must be met in a relationship and you need to assume that responsibility. The degree to which you can meet your partner’s needs, will determine the degree to which you can sustain your relationship.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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