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RE: Thoughts about polyamory and children

in #relationship6 years ago

I think that it doesn't always matter how well you plan, sometimes relationships are going to fall apart. I've watched many marriages/relationships fall apart with children involved and I don't think that poly relationships breaking up are any 'worse' for the kids/adults involved EXCEPT, of course, as you said, the law doesn't side with anything outside of monogamy and two parents... so that would add a dynamic that I can't begin to fathom. I'm fortunate enough that I was able to give birth to the children that I wanted to have and now they're mostly grown (the youngest is 17+) so I don't really have to worry about raising them together with my husband, because they're mostly already all raised (and grown and starting their own separate lives).

This is an intriguing post and really has me thinking more on it. I can't tell you how many times over the last two decades of parenting that I've wished and SAID, "I wish it was okay/possible to have more parents involved here... I feel like it would lighten the load!" Especially when I was feeling particularly overwhelmed... but that just wasn't an option for us as my husband was not and has never been interested in polygamy in any type of variation. :/

At any rate, I think it could be an awesome thing for kids to be raised in an unconventional relationship. The only problem I see is that us adults sometimes have a hard enough time getting along with just two of us and I'm not sure it wouldn't just get more complicated and difficult with more adults to share the relationship with. That's just from my own old married lady perspective, because I don't really have any personal experience to speak of.

I do appreciate your transparency and openness about things, though. I think it leads to good discussions and opening people's eyes to things that maybe they would not otherwise even think on.

Great post!

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