Apply the Commitment Process to Your Important Relationships

in #relationship8 years ago

The awesome power of commitment that we discussed in the 5-part series of previous posts about the power of commitment can be applied to the creation of a very powerful relationships between you and your spouse, your significant other, your business partner, or your family members.

First, do the following 8-step commitment process as shown below individually.

Review of the 8-step Commitment Process
Step 1
Find a pencil and pad that you can use to make some rather long lists.
Step 2
Find a quiet place, where you can be with your thoughts and undisturbed for one to two hours.
Step 3
At the top of the first page (or list), write - "As of now, these are the things I AM committed to being, doing and having in my life and circumstances:"

Note that I have used the "I AM" in capital letters. This suggests that it is, your Inner, higher Self, your subconscious, the part of you that keeps your heart pumping, your breathing, and your life continuing even when you are asleep. This is the inner most part of you that creates your life on a moment-to-moment basis. When we speak the phrase “I AM” each cell in your body listens and takes note of the utterance that follows. As a result, our bodies will become aligned with the “I AM” statements we feed it.
Step 4
Review your life up until today. List everything you have, that have been being, and doing as fast as they come to mind. Don't try to edit at this point, that can be done later. Include career in your list as well as relationships, money, circumstances, situations etc. Be sure to begin each sentence with the phrase-- -I AM committed to ("being", "doing" or "having")__________(Fill in the blank.) Make sure to include the stuff you don't like being, doing, or having.
Step 5
Review this list very carefully and honestly. Use every ounce of integrity you have. Add stuff that you missed. For each item on the list, ask yourself if you want to continue being committed to it. If the answer is "No," then make a check mark by that unwanted item.
Step 6
Make a new list. At the top of this new page (or list), write - "As of today’s date….I am committed to having, being, and doing the following in my life:" Transfer any items from the first list that you want to continue to be committed to having, being and doing.
Step 7
This is a final and critical step. Again, review the new list very carefully and honestly. Employ your utmost integrity – being true to yourself. Add anything you may have forgotten.

Now take the first list and cross each item out vigorously, with a great deal of passion and sound if possible. Now tear up this list into tiny pieces and (this is very important, though it may sound silly) flush the tiny pieces down the toilet (or carefully burn them).

This is a powerful and very necessary part of the process. This is called a symbolic gesture to the subconscious. This gesture says to the subconscious, "Hey!! This person is really serious about creating a new set of commitments." Now, your incredibly powerful subconscious is now free to move forward with your new set of commitments or guidelines for creating what you want almost organically. Don’t worry about the “how” this will get done. Trust your higher Self and the Universe completely.
Step 8
To make sure that the subconscious ultimately gets the message, immediately review your new set of commitments one by one. Say each sentence out loud if you can - "I am committed to achieving my ideal weight of 170 pounds by December 2016."

Make a commitment to read this entire list every day for the next 21 days. That's the period of time that it takes for the subconscious and the rest of your mind and body to get the message.

Then sit down with your spouse or partner and share your final commitment lists with each other. Note all the items (or commitments) that you can mutually agree to support on the other person's list.
I hope that there is a large number on both your lists, on which you can agree. For those few items that you honestly feel you can't support, negotiate on them. At the end of the negotiation see if there are any show-stoppers -- items that completely dis-empower you or go against your integrity (or theirs). You may, at that point, have to decline the offer of partnership or being related intimately. This is the tough part of this process. You may have to make some other arrangement that you mutually agree is in both your best interests.

Don't give up completely on the relationship if there are too many items on either of your commitment lists that you can’t agree to support. Check back in three to six months. Who knows, maybe the lists have changed in the direction of greater compatibility.

You will find that when you able to support each other’s commitments the trivial day-to-day stuff that can creep into a relationship will just disappear. You be truly free in your relationship to not sweat the small stuff. You may even find yourself laughing at how trivial the stuff seems.

It’s time to evoke the Awesome Power of Commitment in your life and relationships !!


I liked your method of applying commitment process to the relationships, I do think that couples should invest time and effort in order to work on acceptable goals and directions in which partners will grow, as it's important to grow together and grow in more or less one direction.

I would like to include your article in my TOP5 Lucky Find Psychology articles for today. :)

P.S.: I would advise you, if I may, to put more effort on formatting your article next time. The words are informative and truly engaging, altough it may be more structured. Also, more images could be added to split the text.

Good luck!

Great posts. Tearing up the first list with passion is an impactful action.

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