Let's Talk about REIKI & the CHO KU REI (Our 164th Reiki Boost Healing Invocation is included)

in #reiki-trail7 years ago

"The Truth that we can heal, we must learn again. Medicine is in our Hearts and also in the Heart of that which we call the Universe." —Nikola Tesla

Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy

It is the heartbeat of life. Ever present, all knowing, and omnipotent - this Divine essence of Creator Source can be found within All That Is, Was or Ever Will Be.

The practice of consciously working with this energy is known as Reiki Healing

It is an ancient Japanese art founded and formally established my a Buddhist Monk named Mikao Usui. The technique of Reiki is to activate & harness our internal energy, thus facilitating our natural ability to heal.

Treatments can be given in person or from a distance

The most essential aspect always being that the recipient of this energy medicine/massge must be genuinely open to receiving the treatment for it to be effective in any way. Free-Will is not taken lightly by the Universe, and as such, it is always respected.

Each and every one of us is already able to work with this power

Of course, some people are more sensitive than others to the energy, making it easier to perceive the sometimes subtle shifts that are taking place within and around them.

During a session, it is common to experience such things as tingling sensations, warmth or even coolness

spreading through the body and/or in the areas being treated. Each person's experience is unique to them and depends heavily upon their particular 'makeup' altogether.

There are 5 Core Reiki Principles/Precepts that aim to assist us maintaining appropriate alignment by meditating on them. They are (along with my interpretation):

Just for today...

  • Do not worry. (Give worry away to the transformative power of the wind)
  • Do not anger. (When anger arises, allow a healthy outlet for this energy to be transmuted)
  • Be Humble. (Honor the Divine Interconnetedness)
  • Be Honest in Your Dealings (Embody authenticity in all interactions)
  • Be Compassionate to All (Allow Your True Nature & Empathy to come forth without restricting the flow)

The following image shows the four traditional Reiki Healing Symbols that have passed along from Teacher to Student in the Usui lineage of training. They are (from left to right): Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen & Dai Ko Myo:

Cho Ku Rei - This ancient healing symbol is used for activating the flow of Universal Life Force Energy to a particular area for a specific purpose (such as protection, purification, etc.)

Sei He Ki - This ancient healing symbol is used for creating Harmony & Balance & working with Mental/Emotional Bodies.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - This ancient healing symbol is used during quantum healing/distance treatments.

Dai Ko Myo - This ancient healing symbol is known as the Master Symbol and is used for working with personal (or collective) Karma as well as all purpose treatments.

The first symbol provided during initiation & the course of study is the Cho Ku Rei.

This ancient healing symbol is used for activating the flow of Reiki. It is possible to apply the power of CKR for a specific or general purpose, and it is most commonly called upon for providing purification & protective energies. One can harness CKR in a plethora of ways, limited only by your imagination & inspiration. For instance, the Reiki Boosts that I share each day are one way of using this energy for self treatments.

Visualizing the symbol or drawing it are a couple of ways to evoke it's power. One can also call upon it verbally or silently within - either will achieve the same effect.

Here are a few things to try using Cho Ku Rei

  • Project the symbol (using the methods previously described) into anything you are going to consume before you consume it. This is a way of 'Blessing' your food and drink.
  • Infuse your shower or bath for a quick pick me up or a soothing soak to unwind in.
  • Put a protective layer of energy on your clothes to help mitigate the effect of absorbing undesired/uninvited frequencies that we are inevitably navigating through during our activities, whatever they may be.
  • If you have a headache, muscle ache or moderate to mild pain, place your hand on the affected area and will the healing energy to flow.

Experiment with Self Healing Techniques

Reiki is learned & developed through personal practice & intuition. Mastery is acquired by way of 'hands on' practice. One should look to Teachers for tips and tricks but not as the end all be all of Reiki knowingness. All teachers are mentors along this journey, and while they play a great role, they should be considered as friendly guides and fellow Students of The Force, as truly the curriculum is unending for all of us. There is always much more to learn and expand into...

Like today's (164th) Reiki Boost

Let us take this time, here in this Sacred Space, to align with our hearts intentions that we are setting in this now moment.

In sincerity with the will-full combination of acknowledging Who We Truly Are -- The Master of Our Own Being, let us now engage a few deep cleansing breaths, following the guidance of our intuition.

Remember that there is no need to rush or hurry.

Relax into this NOW Moment. Injoy the cycle of breath in (hold for aprox. 3 seconds) and the process of exhaling (slowly and intentionally, also for an approximate count of 3 seconds).

When you are ready

Please repeat the following affirmation to yourself three times to activate the energy infused within this Reiki Healing Invocation. (Although doing so silently is effective, I recommend speaking the affirmation aloud -- give it a try and see if this powers things up even further for you as well.)



"My heart speaks the language of light, my pulse is synchronized with the heartbeat of the universe. Being attuned to Source, I am able to easily tap into the guidance that I am receiving from moment to moment. This intuitive information is constantly being broadcast through the bandwidth of life and received in my Soul through the purifying filter of unconditional love."



..It Is So..

🙌🏼 It is all-ways a pleasure & honor to be of Soul Service and share this journey of wellness together with you along the @reiki-trail. Thank you for being here & for BEING YOU. 🙌🏼

Be sure to stay tuned in...

We've got our 165th Reiki Boost coming this evening!

In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or a request for a personal Reiki Distance Treatment, please leave a comment below and I will be happy to help you BeautyFull. I apologize that I am not on Discord actively yet, but I am working on it so I will be able to connect with you all there in the near future my friends. If you want to connect with me on Steemit Chat you can reach reach me @thereikiforest.



Keep Shining & Happy Steeming!

🌬 follow the @reiki-trail 🏞🌫

In Wholeness & Harmony, 💖April💖


reiki is very helpful for me :-) These days when I go to get a massage, it's only from someone that does reiki too at the same time.

Divine :) Reiki massages are my favorite massages, too!

Thank you for sharing @leap8. Much Love & Bright Blessings ~ Namaste

Energy huge my friend

Always a pleasure & honor to receive your energy hugs @dobartim.

Thank you BroStar. Sending a Reiki Hug your way in return :)


165th??? Wow.......

Time flies, doesn't it? :)

yeah but too early........ :(

Thank you for the good energy! Above all, let us remember to be here now, and to not always be in so much of a hurry. Mindfulness doesn't rush.

Bright Blessings!

Likewise :) Perfect timing for such a reminder, too ~ bulls-eye! Thank you Sarah <3

Lots of Love ~ Namaste

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