See It To Believe It!! $6,000+ Worth Of Free Recycled Inventory Just Found Within 24 Hours ($25,000+ Original Retail Value & 22K Gold)

in #recycling5 years ago (edited)

I have one main rule when I walk the curbs to hunt for free stuff:

ALWAYS go the extra block.

This rule paid off to the tune of an extra ~$4,900 of inventory sitting at the last spot on the last block I hate going to... on top of everything else I found.

Whatever the financial reward, I’m reducing lots of pollution with my bare hands and helping consumers. I hope more people will really appreciate that.

Hustle Pays.

So what the heck did I find on my curb recycling walks literally right around my apartment?

This automatic paper folder retails new for $3,700. It's complete and works perfectly with a super low page count.

It's realistically worth about $800-$900 used. It's listed used online for $1,000-$1,300+. Even if I settle at $700 cash, or more with a local pickup, I win big... and I saved 58 pounds from being wasted.

To hustle even more, I went to a copy shop I visit across the street for FedEx package drops, and learned that their folding machine broke down last week. They asked for pics and info today to consider buying this. I'll likely get a cash offer, but I won't give this away. How cool of a story would that be to find this 3 blocks away and sell it 1/4 block from my apartment?

This next gem should comfortably sell in the $3,000-$4,000 range ($2,000 if I give it away for cash). It retails new everywhere online at over $21,000. It's from 2017, so it's bared used!

This automatic envelope stuffer/sealer was 165 pounds. This was a "lot" of fun to figure out how to move and get back to my apartment. Like my mattress story, I simply figured it out. Failure was not an option.

I decided to put it on a piece of cardboard and drag it to a free spot on the curb until a cab with a handicapped ramp came by at 5:30 AM. I just rented a storage unit last week, so I've already moved it there via a second cab, where I have an electrical outlet to help me sell it from there.

What a crazy random free find. It was outside a place that had 9 computers outside recently without hard drives, so I left them. This place must be purging tech and I'll be there next week to see if there's more.

Stock setup:

As always, proof:

Next, yes, I found antique 22K GOLD PLATED pottery. Slow clap.

Many were worn, one had a chip/crack, and I repaired a handle, but they’ll sell. They're stamped Hannell, and by Hazel Hannell from the mid 1900's. If they were in better condition, this set would be a pretty penny. I might sell them as a lot for $150+ and be done with it, or 3 of the better ones for $60 each as a start.

This collapsible medical walker retails for $470 and looks like it was used once. I have it listed for $200 cash and feel good about it moving within a few weeks. This was a nice save since it'll help someone get around more easily.

Next a huge Lego Technics set that's nearly complete. Complete sets sell for $150-$200. The motors work, but it's likely missing a few small pieces. I'll either sell it as a partial set for ~$90 for parts, or add it to my bin of 50-60 pound of loose Legos I've found that I'll be selling in bulk for cash. When I get to 100 pounds, I can command about $400-$500 for it since much of it is desirable Star Wars and Technics.

Proof of previous two items:

A vintage Le Creuset dutch oven I'll restore and sell for $100+. I've done this before as a gift to a friend (see below).

Previous project before and after:

Yes, I know magic.

A super clean UPPAbaby bassinet with adapters I'll easily sell for $60-$70 cash.

This was helpful to help me carry some other loose stuff I found.

I found this vacuum hose that already sold today for $28 ($17 profit after shipping and fees).

A working breast milk pump worth about $30.

A Nespresso unit that might not be working properly, but I can sell some parts for $30, $20, $15, $15, & $10.

I also found a framed baseball ticket and photo from the opening day of a new stadium, and a vacuum battery that always sells for $25+ used. People often throw this same vacuum out with the battery intact on the exterior, so I pull it and use my charger/test vacuum at home to make sure it holds the full 18 minute charge.

Lastly, I found a Shark True Pet handheld vacuum that had a cut cord, but I put a temporary cord on to test the other parts. I then broke it all down into pieces to sell separately. Notably, I also had a power nozzle for the same model I found loose months ago I was able to fully test now and can sell for $60. I often hold good things I can't test if I know I'll find the other half in the future. This was a good example.

What else did I do today?

I donated this salvaged Sony CD player and printer to a thrift store today:

I also brought this heavy air conditioner up 4 flights for my new neighbors, who didn't ask and won't know it was me.

Many people care about our planet, but they don't do anything outside of recycling stuff into waste bins for other people to figure out for them. This system is flawed and leads to massive amounts of unnecessary waste in our environment.

If you really care about our planet, it's time to start finding ways to reuse, repair, repurpose, or resell things. Stop being lazy at the expense of the people who will have to deal with it later.

I hope this inspires others to take action. There's a lot of money to be made in recycling if you simply stop assuming you can't find anything or do it.

Feel free to ask any questions or share this message. All of your support is appreciated and helps me stay motivated on my curb hunts late at night.

Thanks for your support.



Where do you live for people to throw this stuff out?! I can guarantee that nobody around where I am would be putting anything that worthwhile out on the curb. By the time it reaches that point it's too nasty for you to want to go near and waaay beyond salvaging. They try and sell stained mattresses on Facebook marketplace here! 😆

~Smartsteem Curation Team

Wow, thank you for your two huge upvotes. It's been ages since I got votes like this... What a nice note to end my day on!

Very nice post! Did u know that @riverflows has a contest going to reward people who are finding and reusing old treasures? This post seems a good fit.. check out her post for more info..
Just edit this post and add the tag treasurefinds to participate

Hi - thanks. Yes, I made two posts for that tag before since she said I'm part of the inspiration for her making the contest. I didn't want to steal the show! Thanks for your appreciation and support. It's hard to find people who simply get the bigger picture and act on it, so I'm glad we're in touch.

I seee! Good to know .. keep up the inspirations to us all!

I want the Le Creusette!!! damn!! - amazing things. The walker going to someone who needs it? Extra karma points.

What an amazing haul you had this week, Matt. Awesome.

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Damn bro, i dont know where u live but it seems like you got shit figured out! Fuck working when you can just collect and sell other peoples "junk"! I honestly cant believe some of the stuff people throw away.. Awesome job friend!

Thanks! I quit my corporate desk job over 4 years ago and haven't looked back. It's a different lifestyle, but 100% free, proud, and more rewarding for the impact I feel I have now in my little world. If I could get a business partner or two, there's so much ground I can't cover/handle with earning potential that would literally make people faint on a daily basis.

Thats so crazy! But also fricken awesome, I love your style bro! You must live in a really big city, I live out in the country or id honestly start doing this.. Unfortunately I dont think i would find anything nearly that good as what you find cuz the city closest to me only has about 40,000 people..

I do. On the other hand, if you're in the country, your competition will be far less - so it could be a positive to a degree. It's all about finding the veins or channels of recycling on the curb, whether residential or commercial. If there really isn't any, you could always keep an eye out and be aware when you go to cities and see curbside recycling in a different way.

Fucking legend 😂😂

Takes one to know one.

let me understand this better, and you pay nothing to these people? :O

All free found in the recycling on the curbs in my city at night.

damn son, that is gold! :O
and I'm sorry for not being able to do more of the 50/50
got my knee hurt the nigh after the first one in a yoga class.
still going on with that?

Sorry to hear that. Yep, still cruising. Heal up and come back when you're ready.

thanks man! :)
I'm still doing upper body stuff but I'm taking it easy on my knee.

BRAVO @steemmatt and I thought I was Doing Good Just Selling on eBay. You are Killing it and Your Ingenuity is Just Amazing !!

Some things take time to sell, but almost all free inventory doesn't hurt. I just need to keep the stockpile growing and on sales channels, and it runs itself. You can do it too if you visit nearby cities and walk around on recycling nights.

Any tips on where to look and how to get started doing something like this? LOL

I live in the heart of a big city. If you're near one, finding out if they have curb recycling (especially in residential/small commerce zones) is a good start. In other words, if buildings and companies put their trash and recycling on the curbs for trucks pick up, you're golden. If you don't live near a big city, potentially driving through developments on curb-side recycling days would be a good start. One you start to find channels like this, your eye gets trained to see certain shapes, electrical cords, and the same types of things over time -- so what used to look like a clear bag or mound of "waste" starts to look like salvageable consumer goods.

If you don't have areas like this, you can go to thrift stores. I used to hustle 10-20 stores a day here until I tripped on this recycling opportunity.

Yeah I'm sure it just comes with time and learning what is and isn't "valuable".

Thanks for the feedback! We have Fall and Spring clean up where I live that I see loads of people driving around the city to take advantage of and just like when is the best time to look for the stuff.

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!! Keep up with the dorky content for more love!!!

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