Song of the day >> Al di Meola - Race with Devil on Spanish Highway (Fussion)

in #recordpool6 years ago

This is my answer to My Invitation to Become A Music Curator & Earn Weekly Rewards with @recordpool.
My song for today is Al di Meola's Race with Devil on Spanish Highway.

Erguinme con ganhas de música cañeira, algo de estopa e que non fora pesado. O "Friday Night in S. Francisco" foi unha primeira opción, pero mentras tecleaba ... Al di Meola fixo presenza, e deixeime levar...

I got up wanting lively music, and after thinking a little I decided on Al di Meola

Al di Meola's Race with Devil on Spanish Highway



Race with Devil on Spanish Highway é o primerio corte da cara B do LP "Elegant Gypsi", o segundo traballo. Este tema contén unha interesante achega jazzie, progresiva e con un interesante trasfondo flamenco, ademais de portar unha velocidade de vértigo sen perder en ningún intre a armonía.

** _ Race with Devil on Spanish Highway _ ** or first face cut B from LP ** "Elegant Gypsi" **, hisr second work.
Keep an interesting achega jazzie, progressive and with an interesting flamenco background, in addition to carrying a speed of vertigo sen lose in any intre to harmony.
Or Elegant Gypsy album or prize or _Mellor Guitar Album not [Guitar Player Magazine.] (Https://

Steve Vai jamming Race with Devil on Spanish Highway with Al Di Meola at The Harmony Hut! (april 2015)

Esta pode non ser a mellor gravación do mundo, pero mirar os dedos de estes dous monstros nun cara a cara meten medo...

This may not be the best recording in the world, but looking at the fingers of these two monsters in a face to face are scared ...

Al di Meola no Steemit

Atopei estas outras publiacións arredor de Al Di Meola no

I found these other pubs around ** Al Di Meola ** in

@w74Al Di Meola (the man who plays not only the gypsy-style)Non
@w742 Al Di Meola (der Gitarrist, der nicht nur den Zigeuner-Stil beherrscht)Non!Non
@dwinbloodA brief history of guitar virtuosity... Part 2 (1980s) Non
@donatelloPaco De Lucia, Al Di Meola and John McLaughlin - Mediterranean Sundance Rio AnchoNon

Popularidade de Al di Meola na Internet.

Google Trends amosa un ratio de unhas 50 percuras diarias por Al di Meola, con picos que chegan ata os 100; os principais orixes das percuras son Malta, Bulgaria, Macedonia e Slovaquia.
Contrastando os resultados de percura dos dous guitarristas do úlitmos video, mostrase que Al di Meola é moito menos popular que Steve Vai. (Consulta 2018/05/22)

Google Trends shows a ratio of about 50 percances per day to Al Di Meola, with peaks reaching 100.
The results of the searchs on the internet by the name of both guitarists shows that Al di Meola is very less popular than Steve Vai.


Moito obrigado polo voso tempo, polo cariño e pola atención. Nos leemos.

Thank you very much by your time, by the caring and by the attention. I read You.


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