How To Make Fire Cider Tonic

in #recipes6 years ago


Fire cider is a spicy, raw apple cider vinegar, herbal tonic. The slow process in which you make it extracts the medicinal qualities of the ingredients creating a potent herbal vinegar. Fire cider helps to boost your immune system. It can be taken to ward off a colds or other respiratory infections.

You can take it daily or turn to it when you feel run down. You might be surprised to learn that it really tastes quite good. We even use it as the vinegar component in our vinaigrette marinades and dressings!

History Of Fire Cider

Fire Cider tonic was made popular by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar. She encourages non commercial sharing and adaptation of the original recipe, believing that it should be free for all to use and embrace. You can learn more about the origins of Fire Cider here


This is a folk preparation and there is no hard rule when it comes to the ingredients you use to make it (other than the raw apple cider vinegar). The basic ingredients are: apple cider vinegar, garlic, onion, ginger & horseradish. From here you can add a variety of herbs, flowers and fruits.

Easy to Make

Fire cider tonic is simple to make. Purchase the best ingredients you can get and if you wish go and gather the remainder from your garden or woodlands. Wash and place the ingredients in a glass jar, cover with apple cider vinegar and allow to steep for 6-8 weeks. Strain, bottle and enjoy.

Fire Cider Tonic Recipe



½ cup fresh horseradish root (chopped)
¼ cup garlic cloves (peeled)
¼ cup fresh ginger(chopped)
1 onion
¼ tsp cayenne (less or more depending on how much heat you like)
¼ tsp turmeric powder
RAW Apple cider vinegar
Raw unpasteurized honey (to taste)

Optional: assorted natural ingredients; crab apples, elder berries, hawthorn, rosemary, nasturtium leaves & seeds, berries, rose petals & hips, etc.


  • Place ingredients in a large glass jar and cover with enough raw apple cider vinegar to cover everything by at least three to four inches. Cover with a non reactive lid.

  • Place the jar in a warm, dark cupboard for four weeks. Shake the jar daily.

  • After 6-8 weeks, strain out the solids, and reserve the liquid.

Optional: Warm some honey in a pot gently until softened and mix it into your strained fire cider mixture. Add enough honey to sweeten it to your taste. two table spoons to 1/4 cup. You can also skip this and add the honey on a “per use” basis instead.

Store your fire cider in sterilized glass jars in the refrigerator.


Sources: | Rosemary Gladstar

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: @walkerland



Beautiful photography! Thanks for posting this. When you mentioned fire cider on my flu post awhile back, I didn’t want to look dumb and ask “what is that?” Now I know, haha. Even more excited to get that book now :)

My comment to you inspired me to share the recipe. I really, really love it and feel good about spreading it around.

Rosemary Gladstar and the wisdom that she shares is a real treasure. I have learned a lot from reading her books and watching videos.

Wow! I hadnt heard of this concoction! I do take Raw ACV a couple times daily in a cup of water. I may have to try this out. Im sure the taste will be quite better! :D

it packs a punch, if I am feeling sluggish in the morning I take a shot of it and it wakes me right up! If you do ACV daily, you'll really benefit from this supercharged version :)

Awesome... Ill have to try it out! Thanks :)

another incredible piece that i have to save for later!!! this is also a reminder for me to go dig up my horseradish that is being saved for me.

we love horseradish. I've got a patch of it and I wanted to buy some to expand our stock faster but it's so expensive. I decided to just be patient and keep expanding my stock instead - if you have some being saved for you that's a super lucky score :)

having gardener friends is one of the greatest things ever! :)

I've got a neighbour who calls and says "come get some rhubarb" the rule is you drop everything and come with your shovel otherwise he gets annoyed. The trade is that I have to make him a pie. Pretty good deal. My patch is getting huge :)

if you haven't done it already, please make a post about how to make a proper pie. maybe you have some sort of amazing crust recipe we can learn from ... 'cause my pies are AWFUL. i gave up trying a couple of years ago & do crumbles instead! LOL

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