Scotch Bonnet Chilli Bread!!

in #recipes8 years ago

That's right, chilli bread. Not just any chilli bread but scotch bonnet chilli for that extra special sweet fruity zang!

For this you're best to use my own hot lava scotch bonnet chilli paste ( but if you like you can use any store bought paste it just might not be so awesome though :0)

You will need

400 grams of strong white bread flour
Teaspoon of salt, about 8 grams if you are being fussy
Teaspoon of quick acting yeast about 6 grams
280 mls of water

3 heaped teaspoons of my hot lava chilli paste
Two tablespoons of olive or rapeseed oil

To make

First have a quiet sob that it is Saturday night and you are in the house baking bread

Then dry your eyes and weigh out your flour in a large bowl and put the salt at one side and the yeast at the opposite side

Give your flour, salt and yeast a mix together. Then add your oil and chilli paste

Then microwave your water for thirty seconds to get it luke warm and bang it in your flour

Now mix that goo up with your fingers. It helps to go all bear claw with your fingers

Once mixed together, give it a bit of a knead (some good hints on that here :0)

Now let that rest and rise for an hour in a warmish place, put a towel over your bowl so it doesn't dry out

Have a look at your dough, it should have grown in size a bit. Hopefully doubled. If not leave it a bit longer.

Then give it a good five to eight minutes of kneading on a floured surface before letting it rise in a warm place again

After about forty minutes or so get your oven on at 200 degrees. Check your dough, it should have risen a fair bit again. If not give it a bit longer till it has.

Once risen, flour a baking tray and shape your dough into either a round ball or a fat cylinder and place on it. I like a fat cylinder as it reminds me of cigars and cigars remind me of Cuba which reminds me of rum!!

Give your dough about half an hour to rise on the tray then slash the top with a knife like so.

Bang it in the oven. You can put some boiling water in a tray at the bottom of the oven as it makes the crust take longer to form so it can rise more.

Give it half an hour then open up the oven and turn her around!

Give another ten minutes then take your crusty lady out and let her rest on a cooling rack

Then when cooled, slice and enjoy!! Spicy, garlicky heat in a tasty bread!!

Yum yum in my tum, now where's my rum?


Chilli bread, now that is interesting

It is, it isn't too strong, more of a hint of chilli and the garlic in the paste makes it a real savoury flavour!

the garlic / chilli combo sounds amazing

Yes please!!! hahah looks amazing! and i love the last photo ! your face says it all! can you ship some here to london please?

It was an effort not to eat it all before the morning!!! London is but a sniff away lol!!

raises appetite, beautiful photography, thanks for sharing the recipe

Thank you, it was a pleasure!

On the next sad rainy day....I'm going to make this! It looks like the whole process is wonderfully therapeutic...and yummy!

It is indeed therapeutic, all that kneading just chases the woes away! And the end result is of course totally yum! :O)

Cheers! It's pretty dashed funky, having it for my breakfast now!!

Mr Bang Bang
Can I buy your bread for 4 cents I did?

I will dry some and send it for free!!

why not just let your salty tears do the work and save a fraction of a pennies worth of salt :P

Oi, your up late!! That's an idea I might take up ;0)

Lol it looks like I'm not the only one.

Yes indeed, although I am off to bed now, before the sun starts to rise!!

Not bread eaters, but I'm sure my hubby will love this one!

Oh I think so! It can convert non bread eaters too!

Now I Have To Get this
Out Of My Brain!
It Looks So Yum!
Steem On!

Lol, thank you indeed. Keeping steeming!!


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