Bring in the New Year With Some Scottish Shortbread!

in #recipes8 years ago (edited)

Bring in the new year like a Scotsman! With this Shortbread that is, not the getting drunk and fighting in the street nonsense. So easy with only three ingredients it's actually hard not to make.

So come, be Scottish with me... I command it.

You will need

125 grams of unsalted butter (at room temperature)
60 grams of caster sugar
175 grams of plain flour

Add some extra sugar for sprinkling.

See! Not much at all actually. This is simple with three ingredients. Well four if you count sheer joy as an ingredient!

To make

Oh sweet biscuit of the Highlands. My mouth beckons ye with yer sweet and honest goodness. - Robert Burns

So, cream your butter in a bowl with the sugar

From looking like this

To this

Bang in your flour

Then mash it together with a stiff hand like your dancing with a Highland lassie

Till it looks like this

Now sprinkle a little flour on your work surface and rub some on your rolling pin to avoid it sticking and roll it out to a 1 centimetre thickness and then cut it into fingers

You can make little round shapes with the off cuts. Line a baking tray with baking paper and lay them out on it

Now sprinkle generously with some more sugar

Wallop them in the oven at 180 degrees for fifteen minutes. Take them out and cool on a rack.

Phwoar, look at the sheer Scottishness of them!!

Now eat them, there will be plenty more New Year's.. it you can make more!!

Cor they are lovely!!

Note to all non Scottish people. If you make these and come to Scotland you can present them at passport control and be whisked through like a VIP!!


Thank you for posting this traditional recipe @meesterboom in your oh so non-traditional way. Looks lovely.....must give it a go.

All the best. Cheers.

Tis an easy easy thing! Please do give it a bash. Especially if it is in time for new year!

Och Aye the noo - nothing tastier than homemade shortbread, drop of drambuie and New Years Eve :) - enjoy the festivities and the fireworks!!!
Happy New Year ...

And a very happy new year to you too when it comes!!! :0)

You know how to make your family happy! Cheers man!

Hehe, they do appreciate these things! Cheers to you!

@meesterboom why do you have to live so far away?
I want one!
they look yummy! OC reflected on the shapes :)
purrrfection sublime :D

Hehe, they do look nice! I wish I lived closer! Then I could send some round!

Here's a clip from the last reunion in 2008. It was posted by Ham in August 4th, 2008.

I'm fairly certain you will fit right in @meesterboom!

You know I think I would!! that looks fab and I love the pipes!!

The Scots can drink and blow pipes! Pretty much in that order too...
Secretly, I think the babes that have Scottish DNA in their bloodlines are feed a wee dram of scotch in their bottles everyday so that they may claim their birthright every 10 years of their lives. lol

Hahaha! You had me at "I command" Lmao...totally read the whole thing with a Scottish accent and wildly rolling "r"s.
(I am from a very Scottish town, called Kincardine, in Ontario Canada. If you ever plan to come to must come in 2018 for our Old Boys and Old Girls reunion.)

Kincardine! Wow its incredibly Scottish sounding too!! Hehe, it would be amazing but so far!

You must read will help you to understand why I'm well, a little quirky...
If you make the trip, pack your kilt. I will register you with your clan and will take you. If you own pipes, bring them

Haha, I will read this right now!

Wow, I love that post. The info about your town and the Scottish connection and the story behind the pipes!! Amazing!!!

If that doesn't bring a wee tear to your eye, I don't know what will...
To this very day, from the end of May until the end of September, a lone Piper pipes the sun down every night. It is magic and I guess, proves that we just can't let stuff go as a town. LOL

It is magic, you know I bet there are not a lot of people in Scotland that know that. I will spread the word to all I meet about Kincardine!

Yup, that's the recipe....same one I got from my Granny.....I think I'm going to make some tea and have a couple....

Fab aint it. It was my Granny on my mums side that used to make this all the time too. When I saw how easy it was I was hooked. Although sshhh, I have been known to pout melted chocolate over the top but its frowned upon as not traditional! Its flippin tasty though!!

I used to dip half my shortbread into chocolate....I didn't know the "rules" I don't bc I am on a if that makes a difference. Chocolate chips mixed into the dough is also nice. My recipe comes from my Granny on my mom's side too.....
Also shortbread is best rolled and cut like you demonstrated....rather than cookie pressed or rolled in a ball and flattened. Those who do it that way usually add icing sugar and corn starch....they are good but not the best....imho.

Wonderful. There is nothing better in the world than shortbread. Thanks, @meesterboom!

You are absolutely right there and are very welcome!

Gonna have to try and make this for Gramma Jo. Her parents were married in Motherwell. She makes a great oatmeal cookie. But this sweet post makes that shortbread look tasty and easy. Thank Yous!

Wow, Motherwell aint far! Yeah they would love it!

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