Baker's Secrets - The Poolish Starter

in #recipes7 years ago


Poolish? What the heck is that I hear you Cry?

You hear a lot of talk about sourdough being the king of breads but did you know there were easier ways to achieve that Sourdough flavour and texture? Ways which do not involve feeding some fetid slop in a jar religiously every few days?

Bring on the Poolish! A secret of baker's far and wide. Some even go as far as to use Poolish starters in their breads and claim them to be sourdough the cheeky beggars.

Now I am not knocking sourdough. It is a fine thing but as we all know it can be quite the trial to keep a sourdough starter alive what with working and living a real life. So I tend to use a poolish starter in my bread for that chewy texture and lovely flavour that is normally associated with a sourdough.

So enough chat, let get pooly!

You will need

For the Poolish
A clean jar and lid
100 grams of strong white flour
100ish mls of tepid water
A pinch of fast action yeast

For the bread
450 grams of strong white bread flour
200 mls of tepid water
A level teaspoon of fast action yeast
A teaspoon of salt

Easy! Let's make the f®ck out of it!

To make

The Poolish

Add your flour to the jar with the pinch of yeast. Then add the water. You can add a little more if required to make the mix like a medium batter consistency

Give it a good stir, put the lid on and leave for anything between 12 and 18 hours. If you are in a rush you can use it after about 8 hours. Just make sure it is bubbly and looks like frothy brains. Like below

After you have waited you can make your dough. It's quite simple, you use less water than normal because you are adding your new Poolish starter!

Combine your flour, salt and yeast in a big bowl and add all of your Poolish and the warm water

Give it a knead for a few minutes till smooth and shiny

Cover with a tea towel and leave for an hour or so till doubled in size. Get your oven on at 200 degrees

After the hour or so, give another quick knead to knock the air bubbles out of it and shape into a fat cigar shape or a ball, depending on personal preference.

Place on a baking tray ready for the oven. I sprinkle some fine semolina in the tray to stop the bread sticking.

After it has doubled in size again, slash the top with a knife and wallop in the oven for 40 minutes

Take out oven and place on a wire cooling rack

After it has cooled enough take a comedy picture of yourself with your fine poolish loaf

After the posting, slice it, toast it, butter it and enjoy the fine sourdough-esqueness of the Poolish loaf!



Excellent work dear friend @meesterboom I love homemade baked bread at home, here in my country Argentina we prepare, cornbread, bran and cheese. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe

That does look very good. Bran and the cheese must make it very hearty and tasty.

A fine looking bread @jlufer!!!

@meesterboom if it's called sourdough is it sour?
is the bread sour too?
what ? give it a ned?
hahaha just kidding
damn am out of here
voting power low again
from hundred to 60 - freaking unbelievable!

Its ever so slightly sour but in a very tasty way. Tastes really savoury!

Hahaha, thats quite the drop in VP, you must have been sprinkling them around like confetti!

@meesterboom I was just kidding :D

yes, next time I should not vote 100% i 'll try 50% but pitiful - damn I hate this part of me hahaha - weak hahah
night night Chico!

Haha, nah, keep up the 100% votes!!! Unless it's comments!!!

G'night lass!!

@meesterboom I actually did - to some
when it hit low
i had to
I only voted 100% on 1 or two of author's recent post
otherwise I won't be able to go around
damn it - effects only 2 cents unless they have 1.something - okay now really logging out
sleepy head
needs iron haha

Get that iron in ya!! Or some lamb ;0) sleep tight!!!!

You're back writing epic stories and baking bread make it seem like everything is right in the world again! :D That's a miracle worker right there. I'm so poolish to have discovered foolish only now! Wait.. I think I got it backwards.

I'm glad you didn't drop your glasses in there haha! Good technique slicing the bread before the final bake. It'll prevent the crust from cracking, and it'll reveal any objects stuck between the dough.

I really enjoy all of your posts, dude! Always so entertaining. I'm learning a lot as well. In behalf of the world, thank you! :D

Yeah, you gotta slash it!! All is truly back to normal! I have even done an animation. My first since the hardfork. It was a tough one but very good. I am just adding the finishing touches to it!

Now where are my glasses! ;o)

Looking forward to it! If you think it's very good, then we're in for a treat! Let me heat up some popcorn and slather them with butter :D

I do, I keep replaying it and giggling and its not even finished!! Tomorrow will be the day!

And, I shall search for it in your profile in a bit then! Can't wait!

It will be up this morning!! It's ready, but I am strangely superstitious about posting anything before eleven here!

I'm the same thing when it comes to time!! If a certain time has passed, I opt to just post whatever I need to post hours later at a second threshold. Funny thing, superstition. I say go with your gut. Nothing wrong with abiding by the rules we set to ourselves. My anticipation for it has not diminished one bit!

I am pleased to hear it dude! I do appreciate your support!!!

It's a humorous take on the next hardfork! :0)

Hi @meesterboom, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Thanks for the poolish secret. I used to have a thing called friendship bread, kind of like a sourdough. But seemed to kill it now and then, as you say, run out of time and effort in daily life. Kind of puts the kibosh on the friendship idea-sort-of-thing. So I will try this. Thanks for the baking tip.

You are welcome! Thats exactly the issue I had. I would be all proud that I had a starter and it had been alive for months then a combination of things would mean that I would let it die and have to start again. This thing you can just make the day before each baking and you get a very similar effect!

Looks delicious!
I've NO idea what strong white flour is and definitely need a conversion chart because, you know, I'm American and have no concept of the metric system. at its finest. :/

You know just for you i am gonna do one in cups next time. I actually measure in cups for a quick loaf!!! :0)

That is a neat trick that poolish thingy, sure wanna try that. Bread looking very good and tasty.

The Poolish is indeed a fab thing. You really see it marked on bread recipe from stores but it often there!

Well as long as I can use it in a rush after ONLY 8 hours LOL!!!!!!
Here we curse the microwave because who can wait 35 seconds? We need to get a better and stronger one and knock that down to 16 seconds tops! LOL
Great looking loaf!

Lol, that made me laugh that you noticed my in a rush/8 hours comment!!
I will put up my lightning quick bread recipe soon ;0)

How many types of homebread can you make? :) another great one @meesterboom!

Hehe, Oh you wouldn't want to know. I am bread daft!! :0D

Good to be able to get fresh bread at home. Lucky you.

It always tastes better home made!!

Yes, wish I have the patience like you.

Lol, I am patient with bread. A nightmare with everything else!!!

I just love fresh homemade bread. Thanks for the recipe!

You are most welcome!!

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