Southern California Beachside Strips & Cheese (Secret Recipe)

in #recipe7 years ago (edited)

This West Coast Girl was fortunate enough to grow up in Southern California. Every weekend my four siblings and I spent countless hours body surfing—too poor to go to nearby Disneyland—but one thing was for sure, Huntington Beach was free, and if we were missing something we sure didn't know it.

crowded beach.jpg

Those are some of the best times of my life, and to this day, on any given beach trip, my too-old-to-know-better siblings and I lose our every lovin’ minds and become 11 years old all over again. You will still totally find us bodysurfing for hours, Dude.

This tends to leave our husbands, wives (and kids) all alone on the shore shaking their heads. In their defense, I'm sure from their vantage point, we aint pretty to watch. Eh, whatever.

As kids, not even a hint of a hunger pang was felt, that is until it was time to haul the sandy beach towels back to the station wagon. Suddenly we were STARVING! Enter Southern California Beachside Strips and Cheese. Ah-Mazing.

You know how the tastes of your childhood take you back to a special places? Here's one of mine. These are no joke, y’all. This tradition took over in the 60s and 70s at almost every beachside along the Orange County coast.

But when I grew up and moved away from California, I lost all hope that I would ever experience this magic again.

But, I found the secret recipe, so shhhhhh. It’s just between you and I. Did you know that calories don’t count in secret recipes?

Southern California Beachside Strips & Cheese

1 can of El Pato Tomato Sauce
½ cup of light corn syrup
3 Tbsp of white vinegar
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp ground pepper

A dozen corn tortillas
Finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese.

First, I hope you can find this sauce. It’s called El Pato, it’s been around forever, and it’s really inexpensive and delicious.

el pato.jpg

Now, whisk all of the sauce ingredients in a bowl. Wham! Done.

mix ingredients.jpg

I realize the corn syrup might have thrown you but no worries! It makes for a sweet and spicy combination that is complete perfection.

Cut the strips in 1” strips and fry in vegetable oil just long enough to get golden brown.

frying tortillas.jpg

Transfer to a paper towel, and yourself a favor and salt them while they are hot!

fried tortillas.jpg

Top with lots and lots cheese. Don’t melt the cheese. Now, this may be the 2nd thing that made you question me. I don’t know why, but hot strips and cold cheese work amazingly together on a hot day and anyway, this is how they served it. Of course, if you insist on being difficult, melt away.

Dip in the sauce and enjoy, my friends!

I took the pic of the finished product outside to give you the full effect. :)

tortillas and cheese with dipping sauce.jpg


this looks like a great beach tradition.

The cravings are uncontrollable

@cheffil, just glanced at your page. You are too sophisticated for me. Following anyway. ;)

Thanks lol I followed you back!

Did you know that calories don’t count in secret recipes?

I'm adding this to my memory bank. ;)

@lydon.sipe, haha. You're welcome. :)

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