
I've never tried eating the flowers before! Honestly, I didn't know there were gender-specific flowers on pumpkins. Our plum trees require a male and female tree, but I didn't know pumpkins were like that...

Using the flowers was a good idea, though! Are they a sweeter flower? I ask, because rose petal ice cream is supposedly quite good and I should think a pumpkin-flower ice cream, if done correctly, would be spectacular.

OMG that looks so delicious, I had no idea we could even eat pumpkin flowers.

Squash, pumpkin, and zucchinis can all fertilize one another. You can eat the flowers of all of them or you can take male flowers and fertilize female flowers of different plants to make cool hybrid vegetables. I got some yellow squash pumpkin hybrids that were pretty cool.

No way!!! That is too cool that you made something gone bad...good!!
Very interesting about the pumpkins, but it makes total sense why you didn't get pumpkins.

I know! I was so mad when my earliest pumpkin patch started dying off after not growing any pumpkins. I had tons of male flowers though. From the rest of the patches I'm just going to pick and cook some flowers.

I have two plants like that, or they will produce small pumpkins that then go bad. I have one plant that is doing amazing though. I have two nice pumpkins.

It's really neat you got a few pumpkins growing. I used seeds from a pumpkin my brother grew from seeds from a store bought pumpkin. I'm wondering if maybe the seeds lineage from a store bough pumpkin is what caused no females to grow. Next year I'll buy seeds from Burpees and use those instead.

That could be. Maybe they ‘breed’ then to be males. Kinda like how you can have male and female marijuana plants.

This flowers fry also favourite of our country.

Never had it but I would try it.

Wow, I had no idea that pumpkin flowers were edible.

But I can't say I am surprised! I'm sure there are many things that are not only edible, but good for you, but largely unrecognized...

For example, I learned to eat apple seeds from my dad. Sadly, "common knowledge"--perhaps better labeled "common ignorance"--scares people away from something that is highly beneficial and healthful.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful and very educational article!



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