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RE: Real Talk #2 - The Pain Of Loving A Toxic Parent

in #realtalk6 years ago (edited)

When I finished this post I really did not know where to start because I felt very identified with many of the things you said about your father. You're right when you mean that the most important thing is to spend quality time with your child because those moments are those that are recorded in childhood in a meaningful way When you're a child.
However, it is necessary that there is economic stability and affective emotional stability because many of the moments that imply "quality time" influence: The environment where you are, the activity that is done in the place, but in spite of this what is important for the children is that they can share with their parents.
It is usually very difficult for them to recognize the mistakes they have made but always expressing it with a person and examining why they behave that way does help overcome many difficulties and above all to make decisions regarding your feelings.I mostly talk with my brothers about how we feel about some relatives and this helps us in some way to express what we feel but above all we have to have spiritual maturity because the Bible teaches us and is very clear about this issue.

we must bear in mind that it does not matter how old we are, we will need that characteristic love that only comes from them, even if they make us angry. It is not bad to talk about what we feel, because this also allows us to be more emotionally intelligent because We reflect on what we feel and what others experience. the Bible teaches us a little about it

Ephesians 6: 2-4
2 Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise;
3 that it may go well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.
4 And you, fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

the order is for both, and this type of experiences make us grow in maturity, in spite of that we must remember not to be like that when we have to assume that role and be the best version of ourselves.
my appreciation and regards


I mostly talk with my brothers about how we feel about some relatives and this helps us in some way to express what we feel

That's exactly what I mean. We all need people in our lives who we can share our thoughts and feelings with and with whom we can experience new things and talk about stuff that we usually don't talk about with other people. The need for deep emotional connection is what every one of us have, but not all of us are lucky enough to foster and experience such relationships.

Even the greatest of experiences, if enjoyed alone, still don't feel as good as enjoying them with someone you care about. There's something about seeing them happy that gives you this strange relief and comfort and joy which makes you enjoy the moment in a much greater depth. The validation that this moment is worth it for them, makes it worth it for us.

Thanks for the brilliant comment :)

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