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RE: @Rondonson's Rap Challenge # 7: My Entry - "Steemit Hip Hop Community" (Original Song)

in #rapchallenge7 years ago

Thank you very much bro, love that I can feel the positive energy in your reaction. I am always pushing myself to stay creative, you know how tempting it is to just pull out an old verse? But most of the time it doesn't feel right just regurgitating an old written when I know I could have written something new and impacting, I guess that is what keeps me going, because the potential is always there, that applies to all of us. We never know how much we can affect the world when we put the pressure to make a difference. Thank you again bro


You're very welcome and man you speak so many truths wow. You are so right we just have to have faith and put ourselves out there and wow can we shine just like you do.

And I don't know if it is because I was unaware of your abilities before I first saw you. But you are absolutely progressing at a pace I didn't think was possible. I already thought you were epic the first time i heard you several weeks ago, but the progression in these six weeks from an outside perspective has been something out of this world. I have seen a lot of progressions but you are literally progressing at such a rapid level I have never seen before. I can only imagine how many people you will help in your lifetime. Blows my mind.

Namaste my friend keep doing great things

Thank you again bro, you sure write amazing comments and give your heart and mind into your feedback, that's truly a beautiful characteristic to embody especially on steemit.
Yeah I've been at this music since I was a young preteen. To see how far I've come from being terrible and off rhythm, and with no direction to where I am now, is a blessing indeed.

Keep doing great things as well brother. Thanks again

Wow thank you so much for these literally made my day .

Man that is so inspirational to hear thank you be including us all in your journey to the top.

You're welcome bro, so glad we can inspire each other. See you at the top, you're on your way up as well!

Amen my brother real recognize real. respect

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