Rap Music Recommendations by Cash Bandicoot

in #rap9 years ago (edited)

Emerging Artists in Rap Music

How's everyone doing?

I'm just going to keep the introduction short. My name is John, and I'm a social media strategist, crypto-enthusiast, music blogger, and hip-hop A&R. If you haven't heard of the term, A&R stands for artists and repertoire, and their primary job is to recommend unsigned artists to labels, and to aid these artists in securing recording contracts/ record deals. I'm blessed to be involved in an industry I love, and I really enjoy finding and sharing new music.

So that's why I'm writing this post today. I want to help expose you all to new types of music!

The best way, in my opinion, to go about discovering new artists is to dive into Soundcloud and BandCamp, click through some related artists, and keeping going down the rabbit hole until you find something new and weird. The best type of music, in my opinion, is the kind that challenges your pre-conceived notions of what a genre should sound like.

Here are just a few of the artists I think have a shot at making some waves in the near future. I've included a youtube music video, and a link to their SoundCloud (or BandCamp) accounts [as of posting, I'm not certain that I'm able to embed a SoundCloud player.] Underneath each artist will be a short blurb about them, and my reasoning for liking their styles.

EbliArmy Yomi [South Florida, United States.]

I love this guy's delivery. He knows exactly which words to emphasize, has solid hooks, and switches between flows very easily. Some of his songs are aggressive while others are introspective. Considering how prevalent 'trap' rap is becoming in the mainstream hip hop world, its refreshing to hear a young artist attempt to create his own style within the trap lane.


Matt McGhee [Washington D.C., United States.]

Matt McGhee is one of several rappers from DC/ Maryland area that are part of a larger collective called Gram Fam. I like each of them for different reasons, but I think Matt is a great technical lyricist, and delivers his lines clearly even at high speed.


Bummy Boy [Southern New Jersey, United States.]

Bummy Boy is an oddball. Depending on his mood, he'll release hardcore rap songs, short auto-tuned pop jingles, or his rendition of hardcore 'screamo' music over trap beats. He has quite a large discography that contains some real surprises. Give him a listen if you're looking for something left-of-center.


Hurt Everybody (Supa Bwe and Carl) [Chicago, Illinois, United States.]

Unfortunately, these two as a group have since disbanded, but Supa Bwe continues to put out great solo music. He's a great singer and rapper that finds a way to inject emotion into every lyric.


Lil Woofy Woof [Los Angeles, California, United States.]

Lil Woofy Woof is great because he's the only rapper currently trying to resurrect the old school G-Funk style. Fans of Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, and Warren G will have no problem listening to Lil Woofy Woof's back catalogue. Unfortunately I could only find two releases by him, but his most recent features West Coast legend Too Short! I've linked it below.


I hope you all enjoyed the recommendations! They won't be for everybody, but that's the point. I like to be on the cutting edge of emerging trends. If you all want, I can recommend some more 'mainstream' artists as well, and I have some interviews I've done with producers.

Let me know what you think, and feel free to leave some recommendations yourself! I'd be glad to keep giving unknown artists some exposure on Steem!

Thank you for reading!

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John aka cashbandicoot 2016.


Thanks for this compilation, will have a listen later when I get back home. BTW love the name!

@djleo no problem I'm glad to do it. I've got a bunch more but I figured I'd keep the first post short.
Glad you got the reference though - huge gamer - ps1 Crash was the best!

Strength in your projects, I invite you to comment my publication, thanks for sharing

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