I Have Come To A Startling Conclusion - Rant - Not About Steemit

in #rant8 years ago

I wake up and see more stupid daily, I must rant. I hate stupid and if that makes me an asshole I will wear the name proudly.

I am done trying to open others eyes to the truth that are un willing to even listen to anything that does not follow along with the narrative they are trying to push no mater how incorrect the statements they are making are. I wont stop pointing them out and laughing at them and making fun of them for being stupid but I am done backing up my claims with links and facts when I know they don't even look at them because they just dodge the point after I supply citation. They then move on the next thing they call a citation on and again the cycle repeats. All the time never getting back to the original points.

If it is someone I feel is actually curious and trying to talk about something I will lend out a branch and try till I decide they are a bad hand and will then fold to get to the next hand. In all honesty I now have a bit of a grudge towards people asking for me to back up my statements. I do it to prove I'm not full of shit but its really starting to piss me off when me proving my point is dismissed to only try to get some other gatcha moment to avoid the original points.

People making false statements and getting praise for it is really painful to watch. Why are people so willing to just accept stuff without doing a little research on your own? Or people cherry picking the facts they will accept and not accepting the other facts that destroy their narrative. I just do not understand it and its getting worse and worse by the month.

(So now I just go off on a rant. :P)

Criticizing and mocking people is not trying to silence them. :/

Rape culture is bullshit in first world countries. Rape is a felony, there is outrage when ever a male rapist is sentenced to lightly, a public accusation of rape causes a lynch mob mentality to form before evidence is shown, or the fact that a presidential candidate says something that may be suggestive of touching a women without consent and everyone loses their shit and calls him a rapist, or the fact that it is the most demonizing label you could brand someone with.

But do keep on spreading your lies.

Privilege use to mean something, but you have killed the word by beating it till it is useless. The main problem is you are trying to use this word to shame and belittle someone because of traits they were born with and have no control over. It s also tied to people with this so called characteristics that have been dead for a long time and the people getting shamed for it have nothing what so ever to do with it and had no control over the things that happened in the past before they were born.

Every person has no control over any others actions but their own.

There are only 2 fucking genders. Biological fact wins over feelings. Get over it and harden the fuck up.

Fuck the BLM movement. They are a racist group of over reactional bullies that hate white people or cops or the statement that all lives matter or all of the above. They don't just say to the people they don't like "I disagree with you and I wish to express my displeasure with your views", most the time they get belligerent and start physically attacking people like the joey salads video or they burn down a whole fucking town.

Fuck the movement of third wave feminism. The dogmatic and so called academic ideology that claims to have a monopoly over the concept of gender equality, yet starts words it see's as positive like its own name with feminine prefixes and completely makes up negative words with male prefixes. Not to mention feminists often greatly oppose people calling themselves egalitarian probably for the similar reasons that black lives matters doesn't like the statement that all lives matter, witch I speculate is do to a completely impulsive need to be the center of attention. Also they pitch a fucking fit whenever someone suggests that maybe there should be a discussion about men's rights issues. Feminists demonize the term for a kind of human rights advocacy, one without any ideological tenets attached and they consider the advocates of it to be connected to misogynists.

I really don't know why anyone would have a problem with feminism.....

Feminism and social justice seem hell bent on banning any speech they don't like If not through legal channels then by deplatforming. i.e. twitter banns, false flagging, blocking people, and safe spaces. That goes against the spirit of universal free speech. Witch is something I believe in. Also feminists treat their ideology just like a religion but with invisible privilege and patriarchal power structures replacing the belief of supernatural controlled entities.

And last but not least, feminists often state views that are anti theological to logic and reason.

Call me an anit-feminist if you want. I do not have a problem with that label just like if you called me an anti sexist or anti raciest, but that label only talks about one of the views I'm against. Just like saying I'm an atheist, it does not tell much about me.

So fuck you, you are not the language police or tone police!

I'm done with this little rant(and my drink). I need to go grab another drink and chill the fuck out.
Stop with all the stupid please!


To the faggots.


I resteemed this because I think it's a great discussion to be had, beliefs, ideologies, et al.

I've kept a close eye on much of the movements that have transpired from from the gender movements, racism movements and both the right and the left of the Political spectrum.

What people fail to take into account is human nature. I'm hard left. I mean seriously hard left. I believe in community, collaboration, helping your fellow human, and all that airy fairy stuff that comes with living together in unity. Although I do believe that people should be rewarded for their hard work, but there shouldn't be shit like two extremes (poverty and insanely rich).

So we have this crazy third wave Feminism that seeks to destroy any voice that isn't their own. I wouldn't say it's feminism, but more so human nature. I'm on a ton of debating groups on Facebook and those that lack the ability to have a proper debate without having their feelings hurt seek to silence their debator through all the things you've mentioned. So instead of saying, "I disagree - tell me more about your viewpoint" you're silenced in mob mentality.

And that's definitely not exclusive to the left. I'm often called a wanker from the loony left without getting into any proper discussion. Oh, don't worry, he's from 'the loony left'. And it's hard because I believe in freedom of speech more-so than the next guy. If someone wants to call out black people 'niggers' on my profile that's fine, but prepare for a barrage of anti-racism comments. You reap what you sow, in my opinion.

Now I see where you're coming from. All these feminist movements, anti racism and the Political left - they position themselves in a position of 'we have the moral high ground' 'we are right' but in doing so they forget that they too are human, and are prone to nasty fuck ups. Yeah, we want to live in Utopia and have everyone join hands and sing Cumbuya round the campfire in harmony with one another, but at what expense? Dump all these people that disagree with us on an island? lol

A lot of leftists forget, or even don't realise is that to create a community and collaboration the first thing you need to do is stand up and say, "right, what's wrong people, how do we fix this shit? Tell me what you want to do and we'll work together to sort it" - and not just silence and threaten people who seek to have a differing view - That didn't work out for Russia now, did it?

Idealism is great for the internet but doesn't work in the real world I'm afraid.

In awe of your reply.
Good shit and I am glad that their are other sane people out there.
Keep up the good work!

I'm more in awe of how you churned that out drunk - my drunk ramblings would have been something less put together! Haha

I thought it was hard to understand.
I was drunk but I prolly did more editing to that post then most.

Spot on with everything you said here! Upvoted, and following.
You need to drink more so the truth just seeps out with every breath.

LOL, thank you!
I'm working on it.

why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me? said every leftist ever. on the upside, this is your garden variety, civilized stupid we deal with. imagine what it's going to be like once the real rape culture and third world racist oppression gets here. that is not to say the third world has a monopoly.

it has come to my attention that tone policing is an actual subtype of ad hominem. i'm not sure how that is not an appeal to authority or popularity by whoever wrote the definition.

someone recently, told me they think it is legitimate to use sophistry when facing a profound ignorance that is so unblinking, you wonder if it has lids. i think it may blow off steam but i'm sure it does not a valid argument make.

i think ranting may produce endorphins.

i should have made this a post.

They will be happy once the influx comes in and rape stats skyrocket then they will be able to push their narrative harder. If the stats aren't in their favor they will support stuff that makes them in their favor.
Feminism is paying good now days. play the victim and play the gender card and people throw money at you.

You might be glad you didn't make it a post,im not getting much love for the statements I have made. lol im not pushing the narrative so I don't get upvotes. xD

Im fine with that though.

rape stats skyrocket then they will be able to push their narrative harder.

which is exactly what the left does in Sweden. Good point

Yeah shit is bad there and only getting worse. :/

i think my ability to benefit from steemit is suffering from my inability to stop harping on the whales voting for each other. anything those delicate little flowers perceive as criticism makes them have a hate spasm against my vote count.

I have given up on the whales, they are not doing anything good to steemit as a whole imo.

You just woke up now at 8pm?

I'm of the belief that all these 'movements' in the news are complete crap and are promoted far beyond their actual reach in order to distract people from real issues.

didn't just wake up now but just woke up when I watched something that made me realize trying to reason with these people is pointless.

I totally agree, its a simple divide and conquer tactic straight out of the communist manifesto. IMO atleast. could be wrong. xD

time zones and metaphors.

Great rant, dude!

I stopped "debating" leftists and their sheep liberals 3 years ago; as you state, any "fact" they do not like, or that interferes with their world view, is simply ignored.

They are as religious in their beliefs as is any Catholic fingering their rosary beads. At least you can NOT prove that g*d doesn't exist, giving a logical "out" for true religions. You can point out death camps and economic collapse all day to these people, and they will just call you "racist"

yeah, fweelings have taken over recently.

The level of mental gymnastics blows my mind.

I some times wonder if they have any clue how stupid they come off as to people that actually think and don't just accept everything.

I would rather laugh at them then cry about it. Could be the toxic masculinity I was born with thought.


I think that the historical conext of feminism is important to take into account. to not be able to even publish a book, vote, take up the general oppression, get a medical treatment without the doctor asking male relative or spouse for permission.

I enjoyed the angry rant. Makes sense to feel alienated by feminism in some ways. but extremists are the most vocal and vitriolic enuff to stand out; for any idealogy. controvesy attract reactionary

umm, this is not the past/history. women have already gotten the rights to publish a book, vote, take up the general oppression, get a medical treatment without the doctor asking male relative or spouse for permission.
We are not in the past it is the current year. -smh-

I do not feel alienated by feminism in some ways, I feel they are retarded and base their belief in feelings not facts logic or reason.

but extremists are the most vocal and vitriolic enuff to stand out; for any idealogy. controvesy attract reactionary

so if you disagree with the bull shit narrative that feminists you are a "extremists"?

fuck off with your noise. Go drink the koolaid and have fun in jones town.

Fucking swear.

I was referring to feminist extremists, actually

and who cares about the history of why human rights were needed; it's the current year!

You're obviously angsty and mad. How does femnism even negatively impact you life aside from psychologically pissing you off?

and who cares about the history of why human rights were needed; it's the current year!

no one said who cares about the past, im saying it is in the past not the present.

You're obviously angsty and mad.

no you are making assumptions.

How does femnism even negatively impact you life aside from psychologically pissing you off?

Would you ask the same about any other supremacy movement or is it only feminism that you think has no impact?

Keep pushing your bullshit narrative. :/

You ask how it affects me, look in the post your commenting on. the answers are in there.

Upvotes because you make me laugh

This place is crawling with so many bots , it's Ain't Funny

im starting to think the bots outnumber the actual people.

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