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RE: Thoughts On Return Of The Masses When Ever That Is

in #rant6 years ago (edited)

Jealously and the grass is always green on the other side mentality are some of the factors I see--sometimes. They went off to go do something else and it did not work. They come back and they are worse off here than they were before leaving.

I can be hard trying to determine where to cut a loss and when to keep going. I think some are just not so great at looking at opportunity cost of things in the short or long term. They just want that quick money in the short term. They lack a future as they do not build to have one.

Which seems to be the difference between the holders and those cashing out every cent. Where they seem themselves years form now. We have what 20 years total before Steem stops printing? Even a 5 year outlook might not be long enough.


I keep threatening to learn how to convert steem to fiat, one day I will learn how, but for now, I kind of look at it as an opportunity for a second retirement income in 8 to 10 years. I hope to be able to keep it going till then.

By then we should have lots of ways to spend it! If everyone does not blow it all first on steem monster cards!

I've not been keeping up on current routes people been using to get out. I'm sure it won't be to long till there is a decent Steem to fiat option; instead of, exchange > what ever exit node you find into cash.

If nothing else by then you should be able to exchange steem into something else to be able to spend it.

There us to be preload debt cards people where using for a while to buy with BTC. Some country's even have more friendly options such as on online payment processer to pay bills with or a BTC ATM they can go to in person.

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