How @randowhale scammed me 3.6$

in #randowhale7 years ago

Hey friends

Today i wanted to try randowhale.
and i send them 3.6 SBD .. just to test if it works or not
on one of my posts.
but Randowhale got my funds. it only commented on my post.
and did not give me vote up.

here is proofCapture.JPG


Setiap orang pasti ingin hidup sejahtera dan mendapatkan apa saja yang diinginkan, tak terkecuali menjadi kaya. Sayangnya, tak semua orang memahami konsep kaya. Kaya hanya diidentikkan dengan banyaknya harta.
Passion Coach Dedy Dahlan menyebut wajar jika setiap orang ingin cepat kaya. Apalagi mereka yang belum pernah merasakan sensasi menjadi kaya. Namun jika dibandingkan dengan bagus atau tidak menjadi orang kaya, maka jawabannya akan berbeda.
"Cepat kaya itu sebetulnya bagus atau tidak untuk orang itu sendiri dan lingkungannya. Karena menjadi kaya akan diiringi perubahan gaya hidup. Baik gaya hidup dia sendiri, lingkungannya, atau reaksi orang-orang terhadap dia," kata Dedy, dalam Metro Plus, Jumat 21 Juli 2017.
Menurut Dedy, yang paling penting dalam hal kaya adalah prosesnya. Orang yang kaya hasil memenangkan kuis, kekayaannya tidak akan bertahan lama. Lain hal jika kekayaan itu diperoleh dengan cara normal, bekerja misalnya.
Ketika seseorang kaya dengan cara yang normal, kata Dedy, artinya dia melewati proses menjadi kaya itu secara alami. Proses ini akan mendidik seseorang bagaimana cara mengelola uang dan tak akan terkejut dengan perubahan di sekitar mereka.
"Jadi, kalau kita mendapatkan kekayaan dengan cepat, mungkin akan kehilangan banyak pelajaran dalam proses mencapai tujuan itu," kata Dedy.
Dedy mengatakan paling tidak ada dua tipe orang kaya. Mereka yang bermental kaya dan memiliki mindset orang kaya. Kedua tipe ini biasanya didapatkan dari proses menuju keberhasilan kekayaan itu tadi.
Orang yang memiliki mindset untuk kaya, biasanya kekayaan mereka akan dialokasikan ke investasi. Tipe orang seperti ini tak bisa membiarkan uang yang dibelanjakan terbuang percuma.

So tell me bilahaider, what do you think is going on? I'm new to Steemit and have heard all sorts of things about newbies being on a no follow list or do not follow list until an influential Steemer makes them visible... Is it worth me staying around or putting effect into this community? (I'm a busy writer that wants to try something new, fed up with other social media etc). It would be good to see what you think.

steemit has no problem bro
its fine. many people put investments. in here.
the problem is with randowhale. they did not vote on my post.

You can only do 1 sbd at a time. Free advice. Sorry you lost money on that test.

Try to read nextime.
1 steemdollar
no refunds.
@randowhale works perfect used it many times!

they scammed me.. for 3.65$
sorry it might be good and working .. but did not work for me.

It works for me, but I follow the instructions and sent exactly 1 SBD.

Send 1 sbd. Its legit. Dont hate on randowhale

for me, i did not get my vote..
they don't refund .. that is called scamming.

Dude! People might want to flag this post if you are going to act like that.

I feel sorry for you. I wonder if you could message them to plead your case. But on their intro page they are very strict about no refunds. Especially:

  • There are no refunds, period. If you send the incorrect amount, consider it a donation.

It seems the amounts that sucessfully get upvotes from randowhale's steemd page are 1 and 2 SDB. They will probably claim that you have sent an incorrect amount. Well, at least @minnowbooster does refunds.
You can also see that at the time you posted @randowhale's Voting Power was very low so I'm not sure if it's even profitable use that service when the voting power is so low.
I'm giving you a small sympathy upvote. Peace.

thanks for your kind comments bro, i did left message on
on #randowhale channel. but no one is replying back.
i am not sure why they did not gave me vote.

I was just about to pay him. Does he know he didn't upvote your post? Be careful criticizing powerful accounts on here, they hold all the power. Maybe he has had too many people paying him all at once, you can only upvote once per hour, after that you lose

they did not pay me bro :( so i can't do anything now.

Thats horrible... Sorry. I just upvoted this for ya. :(

yes bro. its horrible.. i see, it vote on other people.
but did not upvoted on mine.

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