Q. Which way is she spinning?

in #random8 years ago (edited)

Which way is the dancer spinning… clockwise or counter-clockwise?

Most people will see her turning counter-clockwise, which apparently means you’re more left brained (logical). I see her spinning that way, and it’s at first almost impossible to imagine her going clockwise. But it happens, usually by focusing or when something unexpectedly alters your perception.
Here’s the typical run down on left versus right brain:


uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies


uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Many people associate the right brain with creativity and lateral thinking, and there’s certainly something to that. Our left brains create structures that can act as barriers to alternative solutions and perspectives.
But your left brain plays a crucial role in creativity as well. Seeing logical associations between seemingly unrelated things is a hallmark of creativity. And the critical-thinking skills necessary to tell a good idea from a bad one are pretty important too.
So… tell us which way your dancer spins for you in the comments. And weigh in with your opinion about the right brain versus left brain for creativity… isn’t it a really a “whole mind” thing?



Whichever way I want her to. But the context switch requires that I focus on the foot of her vertical leg.

Although the first time I looked at it, I saw clockwise (meaning she is spinning on her left leg). And if I wait a long time after a context switch and look at it again, it usually seems to default back to clockwise for me.

Also, I don't buy the left brain/right brain pseudoscience.

I have watched this thread for a couple days and finally decided to respond. @arhag though left/right brain is not the case for this instance above ^, it does not mean left/right brain theory is pseudoscience. In fact, the right brain and left brains each help focus on coordination for the opposite side of one's body---left to right and vice versa.
I will however say that this is not exactly such a case...

In fact, the premise of this is incorrect. The "Dominance" of one side or another is not measured by whether you see it clockwise, counterclockwise or both.

Agreed it went counter clockwise for me then clockwise. Its both depending on what I believe.

Totally agree, I can force the switch but it is interesting how my brain really locks in on a orientation. The Left/Right brain stuff is so bogus.

Clockwise until I focus on the nipple then it switches.

for me she is spinning clockwise.. any anti clock wise people need to have their eye's checked.. :)


clockwise here.

it's relieving to know that the 2 biggest founders of steem have not the same results on this test...

Counter clockwise for me.

that was an easy bet


PS but please... don't stop voting for my witness :)
vote_for_witness youraccountname liondani true true

The trick to switching them in your head requires that you recognize one thing:
Your brain focuses on the patterns between her spinning and going up and down. Once you start with one of the two patterns you could recognize, your brain assumes this is the default (thus the difficulty seeing the opposite pattern). The way to see both is to alternate your perception thus: When the images foot sets down close to its shadow imagine what you already think it is doing (my default is clockwise, which means her leg is seemingly moving from the back to wrap around clockwise, kicking forward; from back to front.).

To invert that perception takes a moment, but switch the pattern your brain has assumed correct so that in my case I have to see her leg moving from FRONT to BACK. Remember this picture takes away the shading that humans use to associate the back from the front...which is the entirety of this mind trick.

So just remember, if you automatically see her leg swinging from the middle back to the middle front when her foot hits the ground, choose to imagine her foot swinging from the front to the back instead.


Lol....or you could just look at her nipples since they seem to be one of the primary focal points anyway :D

Oh and P.S. -- None of us are really "left" or "right" side dominant because we use all of our brains parts equally when going throughout everyday life. Instead of thinking of the brain as just two sides try to think of it like an orchestra where every part of the brain must play its own part at various times and in response to specific cues. Everything you perceive is actually like a multi-sensual "Symphony" that uses specific regions the brain (section of the orchestra) that all come together to create each individual experience.
Hope this clears things up a bit :)

You are a bloody superstar!!,
I tried all methods listed previously and thought i must have a bad brain that cannot change its perception. once i read our post was open to the possibilities. I DID IT!! :) woot woot!

for me after renewed faith i had to focus on her foot in the shadow and then her mental hold on me all come tumbling down :)

If you see nipples, then you are a straight male with red blood cells.

I have tried to see this going counter clockwise but failed.

tried the foot, tried the nipple, tried other random places; no dice. only thing that did work was turning my phone upside down.

i will try again later; i can't understand how the image would turn the other way.; obviously it does and its eating me up inside..

It switches back and forth randomly. It's nothing to do with left/right brain. If you watch it carefully you can see the hiccup when it changes direction. Nothing physiological about it.

it can't be true since when 2 or more people are looking it at the same time and place they will give you different answers... try it with your family ;)

Just be safe I check the interval of the switch, it happens roughly every 1min 15 secs. The way i notice it is to watch the direction that the tip of the ponytail is traveling.

Good diagnosis, sorry; i wanted to upvote your comment; guess i haven't had enough coffee yet and hit the wrong button :(.

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