
Look this is an internal stakeholders battle. 2500 people hold more than 5000 steem.

This has nothing to do with long term success. It is our own people fighting over our own inflation.

I know it is personal to you guys, but it has nothing to do with bringing in new people or new investors.

I think that co-founder you speak of, doesn't know how to get things done, but even if this change goes through it does NOTHING for onbaording users or Investors. Surely you have to see that.

You're including me with that proposal, but I'm not a part of it. I don't agree with the economics of their proposed rewards curve (I think linear was an improvement over what we had before), but I do like that they are proposing some changes that they feel will improve the system overall. I was simply commenting that the people who built Steem/it seem to be content to let it spiral downward, which is a shame. I agree we need new users and investors.

Yes, I was including you. I see where that was an assumption.

God created this world, indifferent to what happens to it but it's because this is hell. If God can do it, nevermind that wouldn't be true. Indifference is a good sign, anyone who is indifferent about something of this world, is with the Lord & God, God willing. There is so much more in the realms we can't sense well if at all, I am advised they all exist in this same space however unlike anything we know. Anyway, indifference is Good.

God willing, all things are possible, even theoretical physics and the Loch Ness Monster.

The Catalyst.Leaders of starfish organizations are vastly different from traditional executives. A catalyst is any element that initiates a reaction without fusing into that reaction. In open organizations, a catalyst is the person who initiates a circle and then fades away into the background. They generated ideas and then allow the circle to follow through. They get a decentralized organization going and then cede control to the members. Letting go of the leadership role, the catalyst transfers ownership and responsibility to the circle. The catalyst is an inspirational figure who spurs others to action. Circles don’t form on their own. A catalyst develops an idea, shares it with others, and leads by example.
The Starfish & The Spider

I guess they've just decided it's SMTs and nothing else matters until it comes along

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