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RE: Veterans for Liberty? Not as Much as They Say.

in #ramblerant5 years ago (edited)

I see a lot of people saying shit about vets and military in general but I don't see a single person go out of their way to do anything for anyone. No attempts to understand how any military actually works or what goes on when any soldier goes to work either domestically or abroad. Every war is immoral by default because someone will die but some wars must be fought. That's just how it goes. People don't sign up to fight them to steal your taxpayer dollars (go check the welfare office parking lot and see all the Acuras and Infinities there for the real thieves).

People sign up to do something right and most leave with a good conscience like I already said. And it's not because we're just that stupid, its because we have the freedom of will to act accordingly to our morals. A soldier doesn't have to do anything, you're welcome to disobey and order and face the consequences. Same as in every other job. A HR worker is free to disobey his workers and give a person without a university degree an interview. It's the same in any profession. There are morals behind everything.

You can always move somewhere there is no police and no military control but then on the anniversary of your death we'll be remembering you as yet another Steemian lost because of misguided ideas. Not saying you should. I would advise you not to because its real sad to follow someone to then see them in the paper shot in their own yard.

You want to blame anyone for injustices in the world, blame those engaged in nepotism, those who bar honest hardworking people from jobs, those who scam and steal tax money pretending to be poor, stealing resources from the real pool, those who make it impossible for a lower class kid to go to school, those who refuse to teach those same lower class kids, there's a whole lot of people to blame. Incidentally, those are also the ones who make the legislature.


So blame the State, but not its enforcers. Blame the beneficiaries, not the plunderers. Simply assert that the political class knows best about who to kill, and obey their orders.

Solid philosophy.

I was in the Young Marines as a youth. Maybe it's not a military career, but I would say that gives me a higher degree of knowledge on the subject than the average Joe. I have also made considerable study of the Constitution, the federalist papers, the anti-federalist papers, economics, and philosophy compare to most. I did not arrive at my conclusions lightly.

Aren't you an enforcer yourself by that rationality? Complacency isn't righteous. And shit like not paying taxes isn't action. What have you, personally, done to move politics and society in a positive direction? Not challenging you, just asking a question because I frankly don't remember your earlier blogs.

He has not served like us. That is why it is difficult for him to understand why some wars must be fought.
He is more anti-government then me. Which I did not think was possible.

I think what he doesn’t get is by living in a country you are agreeing to a social contract. That contract is live by our laws and decisions of our government. If you are not happy get involved and vote in people that agree with you.
Elections have consequences.

I also would like to know what he has personally done.

I participated in politics enough to see that both parties are wholly corrupt, and 3rd parties have no chance to break through. The real enemy is the belief in the legitimacy of the system despite its abuses. My only option is to try to undermine that belief while living as free as I can. When people apologize for the state as it responds with abuse, I know war of ideas is far from won, too.

The US system with only two real parties is indeed an issue. How its acceptable that there are only two options boggles the mind.

If I were inclined to ascribe a secret conspiracy behind everything political, I would say it was planned as a participatory false choice exercise to create a veneer of legitimacy for someone's dark machinations. Unfortunately, I think the result is due to the basic effects of public choice economics and the nature of politics turning every dispute into a zero-sum game. This has divided society into two squabbling factions, and it will remain so until we stop pretending politics is a solution to any of these issues. Until then, each party will feel injured at every loss, and will be spurred on to be more fiercely combative for the next round.

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