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RE: Veterans for Liberty? Not as Much as They Say.

Saying you were a veteran to throw weight behind an argument is a blatant appeal to authority which is a type of fallacy. That said, maybe they are more informed and interested than average.
The US army just tried to ask the Korean Government for about 5 billion dollars to keep its troops stationed in Korea (current deal is 1 billion a year). Some were calling it extortion by mercenaries, I guess freedom literally isn't free.


Why the heck there are still US troops on the DMZ? End that stupid occupation. It's pointless. The South Koreans have an advanced economy. They can handle their own security.

It's not quite an occupation, but I completely agree that there should be no US army permanently stationed in South Korea. They have one of the largest armies in the world and should be able to hold off until their allies arrive. So I do think either they should be discussing the US leaving or paying a lot more. It's ridiculous. The US can keep a couple radar stations and a few hangers at a local airport for whatever intelligence gathering needs to be done in the area.

What else do you call a permanent military deployment on foreign soil perpetually facing down another foreign military?

I don't know, what do you call it? I was in the service for almost a decade. If either of you have something to say about that you can DM me. Lets remember that every anti-abuse project here is run by veterans because we served to help others and we continue to serve on the blockchain to help others.

I can pretty much state and speak for others that all of us who are active here are here with a clear conscience. The ones who aren't aren't here. To end up on our vets here you have to be.

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