I request humanitarian aid from all- Venezuela

in #rak6 years ago

Greetings great community friend of Steemit.

On this occasion I will write this very special post, due to the content and what I want to do with this information.

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As I told you in one of my previous publications, I have been working for a few years with the magnificent Venezuelan Foundation "Fundacion Leiva", which is in charge of helping children and adolescents with chronic illnesses through donations, and business grants. private that respond to our letters, and voluntarily express and manifest, with medical material, medicines, chemotherapy, clinical beds, etc.
Our Foundation does not have any support from the Venezuelan government, we work non-profit, we do it to help our fellow human beings, due to the economic situation that Venezuela is going through, she is confined in the Hospital Oncologico de Barcelona, ​​Capital of the state Anzoategui Venezuela.

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Today we are again presented with the opportunity to help a young woman of 17 years of age, of precarious conditions, very humble and her family does not have the necessary resources, we have entered letters to several companies and we still await answers.

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Photos formed by me

Her name is Liliannys Campos, 17 years old, who suffers from a tumor called RABDOMIOSARCOMA, clinically it would be the following,
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of sarcoma. Sarcoma is a cancer of the soft tissue (for example, a muscle), connective tissue (for example, tendons or cartilage) or bones. Usually, rhabdomyosarcoma begins in the muscles that are inserted into the bones and that help move the body.
Among innumerable medications, the most expensive is called VANCOMICINA, and doctors have requested 40 units to comply with their treatment, which has a value of 6 million Bolivares each.
I call all those people of noble heart that belong to this prestigious platform and family of Steemit to help us, for the health of this young woman who needs us today.

Thank you for your collaboration and your kindness to her and her family, thank you and may God bless you.

I will use the tag #RAK, as indicated by the friend @toocurious, an excellent initiative which will not let go more and more for my post that is for the benefit of a just cause, I count on you and thank you!

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