Free Raffle Ticket Give away Notice 04/02/18

in #raffle6 years ago

We have been experiencing a situation that I can only call “an outpouring of love”. We have had numerous donated tickets for the Raffle. Plus, I’ve been using all the SBD collected from the various posts I have made about the raffle to purchase donated tickets, plus in 7 days there will be a nice little boost in SBD thanks to @blocktrade giving us a generous upvote, (all SBD earned will purchase additional donated tickets). Needless to say, we’ve got a growing list of donated tickets to give away.

You could win 10 SBD or a Seed Vault similar to the image below!

Image source

(Note: Image is simply an example. We will purchase the largest assortment with the best value that is available at the time and it may not look the same as the above)

Looking for Helpful Posts!

Starting today, I am actively looking for posts in the Homesteading, Survival, Gardening, Foraging and Prepping tags for posts to give a Free Raffle ticket to the author! The number of tickets I give away on any given day will vary. It depends solely on how much time I have and how many tickets there are to be given away.

Please note that you are being given a free ticket, which gives you a 1 in 500 chance of winning one of the prizes.

Sorry but USA and Canada only

Because of the extreme postage costs to ship to other countries, we have no choice but to limit the raffle to the USA and Canada. Plus, seeds can be illegal in some countries (plants that grow fine in your area can be invasive in another area).

Help me know where you are from.

I would never ask anyone to provide an address in such a public place as Steemit. However, it would help tremendously if you could simply include your country in your profile. If you win the raffle, I have an email address I use specific for Steemit that you can send your mailing address to.

To purchase a ticket or to donate a ticket!

Each ticket is just 0.10 SBD. You can purchase 10 tickets for 1 SBD.

How to purchase

1 - Submit payment to @sotall - If purchasing multiple tickets simply make one donation for the total amount.

2 - State in the Memo line you are purchase for “Raffle #1” or “donation for raffle #1”

3 – If you would like to donate a raffle ticket to a specific person, list their Steemit user name in the memo line. I will make a .001 transfer to them and list you as their benefactor.

4 - Entry limited to USA and Canadian residents only due to shipping costs.

5 - Raffle ends when 500 tickets have been sold.


I also just bought 10 tickets! What are you wanting on! Let's Go!

Thank you very much!

Ok... just bought 10 tickets! Come on everyone- let's do this!!

Just curious, but you say at the top that 10SBD or the seeds could be won. Could purchasers outside US and Canada not choose to have the SBD prize?

Our long term goal is to end up purchasing seeds from other homesteaders and making our own seed vaults. These will be sold on Amazon to make extra money to pay for shipping costs, plus it allows us to have Amazon do the shipping and make sure we have seeds available for anyone that needs them.

We are just getting started with this. Still working on getting the bugs out of the background systems. I am also looking for people in other countries that Amazon is in, so that we can begin to get them set up to do a similar raffle for their country. They would work with other people in their country to purchase seeds and make the vaults to sell, plus run the lottery. Eventually, we will have a world wide distribution system with everything feeding back into a circle that helps support everyone.

All of this is designed to keep putting money back into the system, while providing an income for those that have room to plant for seeds to sell and ensuring everyone that needs seeds to be self reliant, has them whether they can afford to pay for them or not.

All of this takes money. I have footed the bill for almost everything that has been done with Sotall so far. Every time we physically give away SBD, it takes money out of the system, reducing the amount we can keep working back to players, suppliers and Sotall.

If we ended up having a 1st place winner of 10 SBD, then the 2nd place decided to take SBD also, it would take double funds out of the system. It is in everyone's best interest to keep as much in the system as possible to sustain growth.

I am not leaving anyone out of the equation, but I just don't have money to foot the bill for making it happen around the entire world. But I am working on it.

Thank you for an open and very concise explanation. Seeds is certainly problematic when it comes to country borders. In Australia we don't have Amazon, so anything from them would have to be shipped in and border control is very strict, unless you're powerful and wealthy. Seeds, plants and produce are even restricted between the states.

Don't feel bad about not being able to expand worldwide. Starting local is the best step forward anyway and you need to look after your own first. When you elevate those around you, they then have the ability to pass it on. I was merely curious why you wanted to stick with keeping the SBD local when it can be so easily transferred anywhere.

Im just a new blogger without many posts yet, is there a good place to link our articles to? I'm right about to move my family to a homestead and have alot questions ofcourse. Every time you guys post it helps take stress of families like mine, thank you!

In the Sotall Directory, we link to all HOW TO type posts that teach about any subject dealing with homesteading, gardening, survival, prepping, raising animals, etc., etc. There are a lot of communities similar to Sotall that you can join. Most do the majority of their talking back and forth with members on Discord. (I have speech problems and can't make myself use discord, lol)

I don't know of a specific list of these groups, but most of them have some sort of banner they allow members to use in their posts. As you are reading other peoples posts, pay attention to the banners that are usually located at the bottom of their posts. @Goldendawne is extremely active in several groups. Maybe since I tagged her, she will see this and give you some pointers on which ones to join. At this point in time, I am drawing on blank on names of the good ones.

thanks for the mention! I headed right over!

Hi @gregorypatrick... I just got a notification from @sotall

And welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.

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