
I think it's childish, but it's just a word.

Yah i agree with you. I have to say that if blacks don't like to be called the N-word, they should stop using it among themselves too because it only encourages people of other race to use it too.

Yes. But I would argue that we should all use words, no matter how offending. I am not offended if I'm called whitey or cracker. I think it's childish but no it doesn't have any effect on me.

In Finland we have what officially should be called the Romani people or Romanis. But all the romanis I've met have told me they don't understand why we can't call them "mustalainen" (the Finnish term for "gypsy", "musta" actually means "black"), because they always refer us native Finns as "valkolainen" ("whitey", "valkoinen" means "white").

I don't understand the race craze of today, it actually worries me a bit because I actually studied History in school.

Many atrocities started with demonizing "the other", and I'm seeing both the social and mainstream media reveling in the polarization.
Not only that, anyone who doesn't agree with the tenets of intersectional social justice are being brushed off as racists, sexists and bigots while they are none of those.

My biggest fear is that freedom of speech is being degraded every day in the name of "protecting minorities", but at what price? Because in my book, freedom of speech is one of the most important freedoms, if not the most important of all. If we don't use it, we may soon lose it.

I completely agree with you freedom of speech is the most important freedom of all.
I think why using the N-word is peculiar is because it was used during the slave era has a racist word against the blacks and using it now might seem racist against a black person.

But then again, now the N-word has no effect again because even blacks use it among themselves, no offense felt. It is when it is used by a non-black that it is seen has offensive by narrow minded people. Me personally has a black person i see this has hypocritical when a black man gets offended when somebody from another race called him the n-word and yet he calls his fellow black man the n-word too.

I personally has a black man don't think the N-word has any effect, atleast not on me duo. I really think the N-word really does not have any effect at all again but i think that it is still an issue because some people want to use it for political gains like they tried to use it against Trump.

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