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RE: Students offered extra credit to determine their level of ‘white privilege’

in #racism7 years ago (edited)

Those wage studies are interesting. I might look into it more since I like researching things like this. Im pretty sure the gender gap is debunked but the race claims may hold more ground. Have you compared what guys like Ben Shapiro have said on these matters?


Interesting is a vague and empty word, it neither rebuts or affirms anything, it's vacuous language at it's best, as if some peak in your interest should matter on the topic of this discussion, or that I care what you find Interesting or it should peak my interest that you're interested.

I might look into it more since I like researching things like this.

Again why are you telling me this, as above, this is simply unsolicited information about your character as if that was ever the topic and the last person I'd listen to about your character would be the biased Idiot themselves.

Im pretty sure the gender gap is debunked but the race claims may hold more ground.

Your certainty speaks volumes about your character, as does telling me what you think about something you're pretty sure about in contrast to something you more or less already made up your mind about and sought to Debunk (claiming that it's Confirmation Bias Guaranteed) but only ceded enough to remark as "may hold more ground". Your actions speak enough about your character: Demand Source while Dismissing the numerous salient points provided to sustain the statement you tried to cast doubt on and insinuate racism is bunk along with that I must be an idiot not to think as you, not once but twice.

Have you compared what guys like Ben Shapiro have said on these matters?

Compared with who, you didn't finish your thought, and compared what for? What wisdom is there do glean from this comparison?

Had you tried to speak directly about what you know instead of Insinuating that you have a lick of a grasp on the subject with the above question, and this "implying" is your method thus far, and you continue to Insinuate the world with your rude demands and repeated loaded questions and Guarantees in lieu of simply delivering what you guarantee or speaking plainly and not slandering my character with "are you an Idiot" and "you must be an Idiot" indirect formulaic complex question fallacies seeking to justify racism.

The amount of hypocritical babble here is amazing. You say you don't care and have no interest debating idiots and yet you sit there typing page after page. Linking random wiki articles proves nothing. You have done no research all you did was quickly google a few sources and link them claiming they are the end all be all of the argument. Glad to hear you have such a firm grasp on the true meaning of interesting though.

You know what I meant by the ben shaprio question. You have either listened to his points on white privilege or you haven't. When I write the article I'll send it to you. Until then you can write me a few more paragraphs on the meaning of interesting.


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