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RE: If it wasn't done to you, or done by you then you are OWED nothing, and you don't OWE anyone...

in #racism6 years ago

I would like to know if you have done any research in to the subject of racism. What makes you a racist is exactly the fact that you identify yourself as White. The fact that I identify myself as Black means that I am a victim of white supremacy. I am extremely prejudiced against Whites because they've done a whole lot of damage to people who have the same features as I do. Sure, the Blacks call themselves derogatory names like 'ni.... AND KILL EACH OTHER!

These are the symptoms of the vicious disease called White superiority. Instead of investigating the situation and learning more about it and then perhaps coming up with some helpful ideas about defeating racism, the majority of Whites act as if the issue doesn't exist. But yet for some reason, it never fails to rear its ugly head. Just because White folks deny that racism is a problem doesn't mean it is so. The only thing that most Whites know about Blacks is what they see on the Boob tube. They are too afraid and ashamed to dig deep into the issue. By denying and belittling the problem, the problem festers and gets worse. As an American African, I believe that reconciliation and reparations are the keys to healing. If you just read your own post, you have convicted your own self with out even realizing it.

First you say 'Ask yourself: "Can I stop caring about skin color?"

If you can answer yes, then you are on the path to one day maybe seeing no racism in our society. If you cannot answer yes, then to find a racist you need look no further than yourself.'

Just a few lines later you identify your self as white in all capital letters. Right there is the proof of the cognitive dissonance that exists in the white race that was invented by colonial powers of the 17th century as a means of social control when the oppressed African and European came together during Bacon's rebellion


to fight the oppression of the feudal lords and kings who ruled those times. As a Black victim descending from the African side of this equation, I believe that truth is the healing salve needed to begin rectifying a situation that many perceive as hopeless. And so I offer to so-called White people three venues of truth.

  1. Dr.Jeffery E. Perry and Mr.Theodore Allen--The Invention of the White Race

  2. Dr. Claude Anderson -- The Harvest Institute

  3. Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary- Be the Healing

Please demonstrate the courage necessary to discover something new instead of relying on the ignorance that keeps us divided in this so-called United States If we are not aware of our history then we are doomed to repeat it. The thirteenth amendment was a means to not only extend slavery to the Blacks, but to also capture the Whites. My Caucasian brothers and sister, we are in the same boat now. The same corrupt capitalist continue to pit us all against each other and we must work together and find the truth necessary to defeat that agenda.


What makes you a racist is exactly the fact that you identify yourself as White.

I identify myself as HUMAN. I have to speak the language of the people I am speaking about. That doesn't make a person racist.

I've seen people ask someone to define racism. They give a dictionary definition and the people start shouting "See you are a racist"

If that is what you are trying to do. Go away and learn some things. If that is not what you are trying to do then hopefully your misunderstanding of my intentions is explained.

I suggest you go reread what I wrote rather than looking for a way to try to flip it on me, as I described exactly this issue there.

I have paler skin than some it is actually kind of splotchy pink. I also have quite a lot of native american heritage.

I identify as ME. Group think is stupid. That was my point.

Also I actually have studied racism quite extensively in my life. I've also seen it in practice. So it does exist. I've also seen how it is like a teeter totter and will simply go up for oneside (or more) and down for another.

IF people like to expect special treatment for skin color, or they like to target/generalize others for skin color. That is racism.

I am against it. I personally don't identify as WHITE or any other color. Though I've certainly been called that, called a cracker, called many other things.

I also don't really give a shit what people identify themselves as.

I have joked for fun of identification by saying if I must identify then I identify as an Albino Black Lesbian Woman. :)


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