in #racism7 years ago

If you believe that there are really white, red, black, and yellow people, you may not understand colors that well.

This morning I woke up in Ferguson, MO. For those of you who don't know, Ferguson has been a recent focal point for the popular "race wars" ever since police officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. Because the police officer was "white" and the other man "black" riots broke out the day after. Taking a stroll through the neighborhood this morning, I couldn't help but contemplate how foolish this whole "race" and "racism" thing has gotten.

Personally, I do not even believe in "races." We are all one race, the human race, in my opinion and we all have one blood. However, those who like to divide and conquer and promote tribalism have been hard at work promoting the ideas of different "races" and stirring up "racial conflict."

While I certainly understand that humans have different levels of melanin in their skin, hair, and irises which leads to different shades because of the varying levels of pigment, I have never seen a person who is black or white, or red or yellow. I also think that choosing to associate or not associate with people based upon their skin tone is one of the lamest things I have ever heard of.

Still, situations exist these days and people are still being hated and killed just because they are a different "race." Whether it was when I lived in the heart of the "Black Pearl" in New Orleans for more than a year, passing through Ferguson, MO on a regular basis, or living near Klu Klux Klan members outside of the Harrison, AR area, somehow these false ideas about "race" continue to be an ongoing problem in the world around me.

This morning I recorded some thoughts about it, and this will be the beginning of an ongoing series that I will begin to post. Until we realize the real issues and fight against ignorance by helping people understand reality, these problems will continue to grow as the flawed mentality continues to exist.

Enjoy the video and stay tuned for my first official post in this series. This video is just to get the idea and intent out there, and begin our discussion on this issue.

Until next time…

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"The truth will set you free"
sun divider.png
Thank you @papa-pepper!

Indeed it will @otage!

You lay it down so right, I just have to thank you. Very informative
I am waiting for more.
Keep on informing and steemit.

You're welcome.

Good topic sir @papa-pepper
And glad you are speaking up about it.

Also glad you pointed out that THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE. To have any heart felt idea of the worthiness or goodness of one color above another shows a deep ignorance to the reality of the world we live in.

It also shows an ignorance to the reality of sin in this world. The Christian Bible teaches that ALL are conceived and born with the cancerous effects of sin affecting their lives and souls. And this bears true in reality when you can trace history and find evil and dumb and destructive people of every nation and skin color. Racism is really rooted in a denial of sin. If one people group can be born naturally better than all others apparently sin didn't affect them(or not as strongly).

No, we are all a broken people that depend on each other for support and 'building up one another.'

Racism is real. But it is built on lies. And every person can fall victim to these lies. Those that think they are better or less bad than any others are, at least minutely, affected by racist ideology.

And what is more, this current rise in racism, I believe, is orchestrated by those that would keep the majority of the people subjegated. I had seen, over my 35+ years, racism as a reality and contagion on the decline until the last 5 years. Now it is back....and back more strongly than I ever could have imagined. It is so sad and depressing!!

I hope that neighborhoods and organizations and communities (like STEEMIT) can rise to the occasion in harmony and self-sacrifice to show that we are one people. We are one people that can love each other and help one another. I have seen it here already. And I hope that more can rise to the occasion. (And Christians, be an example to your neighbors!)

Peace Papa Pepper and all the Steemit community!!

It seems a shame that this Post has much lower upvotes/payout than some of the game posts.

I know @papa-pepper doesn't do ones like this for the money, but still.

This i one of the best documentaries about humans I have ever seen. It basically proves all humans are the same with DNA testing.

You are not doing my help although i am voting u

I hate racism also, I am still hurt from that in my life because I am an Algeriean that is living in Russia, 7 years I am living here, my mother is Russian, my wife is Russian, and recently my son was born, he is also Russian, but I can't get Russian citizenship, and people are treating like a stranger and some people just hate me because I am not Russian.

I am sure that's can happen in any country and a lot of good people get hurt from racism and I understand them very well.

Racists may think that they are better people but hell no, they are the worst people on the planet. A lot of wars are because of them and a lot of people have many problems because of them. They don't usually believe in karma, but it exists, I am 32 years old and I am sure that's exist, so they will be punished somehow for sure.

You should remind Russian bigots that Alexander Pushkin, the father of modern Russian literature, was the great-grandson of an Ethiopian prince adopted by Peter the Great (the grandfather received an excellent education and military training: he later became a Russian general).
Pushkin was proud of his African heritage (he had noticeably dark skin), and you should be, too.
More details:

I am proud of course of my self and everybody know that I am Algerian, my skin color is white and I look like Russian, but when people know my name they change, so racism is not related to skin color or apparence, it's something inside people.

I think it's a negative energy that they can't control, racists are sick people !

Wow! So many things like that still happen these days, and it is very unfortunate. Ultimately, we each have a choice on how we view others, so situations like that must change one person at a time.

I think the racism exists even in steemit, a lot of Americans here don't like Russians and Arabic people, and some of them told me bad words and they even found me on facebook and did the same, but I don't like to argue with such people and I just block them, one of them is even a very famous guy on steemit, so we have to deal with racism even in steemit. ☺

What a great thing to post about, I can’t wait for the series.

@pjcswart what happened to our coffee at starbucks? Cheer$;)

Agreed,Nice post buddy keep it coming. I see you are an avid gardener too? Check out my aquaponics systems if you wish. Take it easy brother. Cheer$;)



lets see each other as people. evil will try to create differences to make problems

That's right! We are all human, nothing more, and nothing less.

Race is a social construct created to keep us divided and separate. There is only one race...the HUMAN race. Melanin is evolutionary and geographical, not a point of superiority or inferiority. Keep it coming papa!

Good stuff right here my friend! This is on point! Thank you for sharing! Please follow me!

Hi @papa-pepper.

I agree, but unfortunately like you said most governments is keeping race issues in the media to divide people and to keep people from standing up against them.

I stay in South Africa and our country had a long history of racial issues.

Take apartheid as an example which abolished in the end of the 80's beginning 90's. The whole apartheid system was wrong to begin with and should never have lasted as long as it did.

Something that most people don't even know is that Apartheid as it existed in South Africa is actually a legacy of the British Empire when they tried taking over South Africa. Most of the laws that made apartheid what it was introduced by the British before they left our country.

I am sure if you ask anyone on the streets of South Africa about apartheid they will all tell you they are glad it's gone and wish it never existed in the first place, but unfortunately the previous government had it going for so many years.

Now our current new ANC government is just using the race card and blaming all their own wrong doings on a system that ceased to exist more than 20 years ago.

It makes me sad that people had to fight so hard to end one wrong system, just to be handed into another wrong system.

Great article and video as always.

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