Qurator's Photo Friday - Photography Competition #49

in #qurator6 years ago (edited)

Cover graphics by - @ykdesign
Members previously featured and included in the Cover Collage
@scottshots @redheadpei @nolasco @marjanko @altdelay @bluebottlefilms @boddhisattva @eto-ka @eyeofthemind @intrepidphotos @jarvie @joanstewart @kieranstone @marekwojciakcom

Welcome to the 49th Edition of Photo Friday - Hosted by @qurator!

Below you will find some unbelievable images captured by your fellow Qurites from all over the world! See what adventures they have shared with all of us! Don't forget to vote for your favorite and if you'd like to nominate your own image for next week's competition, make sure to comment #nominate below.

Each Friday we will select 5 Qurites and feature their photography in our Daily Qurator post. Each Qurite featured in this post needs to comment with their photo featured in this post. The user with the most upvotes on their comment (not money value) will win a Tier 5 membership for 30 days! Only upvotes from Qurator members will count. The votes will be counted when this post reaches payout.

Want to take part in Photo Friday? NOMINATE! After you upvoted your favorite photo!


Want to take part in the next Photo Friday? Sure you can! Simply comment in the comment section with #nominate.

We will then consider your account and look over your feed for any Photography related posts for the upcoming Photo Friday


Post links and/or pictures of your most recent posts. We will not choose them. Why? Well, we want the nominees to also benefit from being in the Photo Friday Edition. If you give us a link now and we use it for the next issue of Photo Friday your post has most likely reached payout. That means no extra upvotes... We will select the most recent posts from your feed.

So instead, just include#nominatein your comment of this post (don't forget to vote for your favorite photo first).
We will take it from there and consider your feed for the next Photo Friday.

We hope this can spark some more interest in the photography community within Qurator. Hopefully to get more users to visit photography related blogs and appreciate your photography. Hopefully there will also be some nice rewards on your comment in this post.

We have made it easy for all participants by providing the links to their photos that they can just copy and paste into the comment section of this post to officially enter the competition!







Let the competition and upvotes begin! Best of luck to all the Qurites participating!

Spamming messages and asking for upvotes on your comment is frowned upon and could lead to being disqualified. Stick to friends and people you know within the Qurator Community!

Your Quality Curator ~( @goldendawne )~ Presents:


Little Siberian Cedar

Little Siberian cedar aims to become a large and powerful tree, giving shade and supplying nuts to all local animals. Here, among the rocks and cold winds, it will be difficult to do this, but he does not give up, there is no weakness in his genome. Be strong, and not seem!

Along the great and mighty cedar trees, @francuzzz found a little cedar just starting out. Tucked away between some rocks grows a new generation of trees. Look at the wonderful close-up and details of the pines.


B&W Photo Contest- How The World Is Reflected In The Maya's Eye

As I have already said, the presence of a reflection in a photo is an element of creativity that can make your composition unique. I've photographed many reflections, some interesting, some banal. One of my reflections is my dearest, because it took me a long time to do it. I wanted to see how the Maya (my dog) sees the world around me! But, as Maya hates the camera, it was not easy at all! It was worth the effort! Here is a reflection of Chindia Lake in the Maya's eye

INCREDIBLE image! This just leaves me speechless! @ileana56 has captured the world through her dog's eyes!


IEU European Largest Hornet- Vespa Crabro

I have to admit, that as a macro photographer, I just know to little about my little friends
So, from now on, I will try to include fun/weird facts about the bugs or insect, that you will see on the photos

It's almost as if you were to reach out, you could actually touch this little hornet's nose. Not that I would want to, but @marjanko did an amazing job capturing this insect as it tried to get its fill of some pollen.


There's Something Special About These Seaside Rocks!

Something lives here! Welcome to the Dragons den!
Normally whenever we get to the beach, we head straight for the rocks and in this case there was a beautiful walkway on a huge mound of rocks. Big boulders that's been here for a very long time. And of course something ancient also made these rocks their home

Oh WOW! If you really listen, can't you hear the waves crashing against the rocks? If you step a little closer, I bet you can feel the spray of the sea water against your skin!


Native Flower Spikes Denver Colorado- Monomad

The Denver Botanical Garden has a native plant area where everything grows wild and untended. These flower spikes were in the midst of it and glowing in the hot July sun

What a splendid way to show off these flowers! Are you wondering what color the flowers and pikes really are? Maybe @bxlphabet will show us in the comments!

Good luck to all the entries! May the best photo win!

Congratulations to the winner of the 48th Photo Friday: @eto-ka

Prize: Tier 5 upvotes for 30 days!

Like the Photo Friday series?

Go check out Tasty Tuesday where we take 5 great food related pictures and host the same kind of competition. Go cast your votes and nominate your friends! Steem on!

For more information on how to join Qurator click HERE

Your Quality Content Curator


The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @stresskiller | @blacklux

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a steemit witness.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate this chance to compete!

Thank you so much, @yankee-statman. I am so grateful for your support!

well deserved..

@qurator ✌️
An honor, to be in the TOP 5 🤘 And so happy, that you like and support my work 👊
Now, it’s hornets 🐝 job to fight for the Tier 5.... 😂
Thank you all 🤗

Great one! Congrats. Keep going!

Thank you @seckorama 🍀
Appreciate the support 🤘

Un macro demasiado excepcional. Éxitos en el concurso.

Muchas gracias 🍀 @crisangel ✌️

sick this photo will defo win check out the sharpness close up :D

Thanks for the support, bro 🤘

Honey, one of your TOP macros ❤️ Good luck 😘

Ah! My Rock Lizards! A great surprise and an honor to be selected. Thank you to @qurator and it's wonderful team. Blessings!

Perfect click my friend...
My vote is yours...

Thank you Sir and appreciated! Blessings!

Какие весёлые иголки!
Удачи в конкурсе!

красиво) удачи)

Congratulations, @eto-ka! I do not remember if I asked for the nomination, @qurator. From my point of view this competition is about friendship and not about photography. I do not have so many supporters and that's why I do not try to take part in this competition. Thank you anyway, for choosing my photo for this week's competition.
Click on image to view full screen!

Me gusta mucho el reflejo de esa mirada, muy inusual. Éxitos en el concurso.


Thank you! I'm happy!
Many thanks to everyone who supported me!

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