
Cool looking bird.

Namaste, JaiChai

A real little cutie pie, daily visitor to the garden @jaichai

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Wow, glad you planted that cane palm! That is such a beautiful bird. That blue is gorgeous and he is such a delightful singer. Too many of the people I love have left, but like you I am watching the birds and smelling the flowers for one more day. Enjoy your springtime and thanks for posting to #featheredfriday!

Quite a steep bank if the cane palm was not there.... Birds are very busy I missed a photo of the two sitting together.

Life moves on like a river, we keep going, buffered around to the end. Keep smiling and have a wonderful day Melinda your visit and words appreciated.

They were lucky the trees stopped them then!

Just like a river. It moves past so quickly.

Spring is magical there with all those beautiful birds ;) especially with your greta shots of them

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Beauty is all around us giving us reason to keep motivated, the flowers are pure joy throughout the year something different. Have an awesome Sunday.

Yes I so agree a pity so many are so busy with getting from A to B they miss the beauty of nature,, but clearly you dont miss it

thanks and you to have a super Sunday

Wow! A cool VW bird wanting to nest in your palms Lady Joan. It must have noticed you planting them some years hahaha
Jokes aside, this is a nice and emotional post.
All strength you!

Palms held up against the onslaught I was impressed.

Week of feeling a bit empty, reality hits home, your past year has also been filled with turmoil, I am so glad you are finally in a place you can call home Stephen.

Inner peace is what it's all about Lady Joan.
Not to be rattled by life's occurrences can at times be extremely testing, especially emotionally, but we simply have to keep going.
We have also lost some close acquaintances this past year and are standing ready to lose another two of Marian's family soon, but such is the way of life.
I view it as chapters closing.
Hope that you have a peaceful Sunday my dear friend.

Everything is so green and joyful!) Spring?

Fresh, everything growing new life in southern hemisphere @amalinavia, thanks for visiting.

Thanks for visiting @miti

Don't mention it! Keep up the good work!

Absolutely lovely post @joanstewart, funny how we both had scents as our theme and included the same flowers in our posts yesterday;) But the fragrance from both these flowers is just amazing at the moment! Time heals but the missing of loved ones never goes away not so!
Shared your lovely post on Redditt/steemit and C-squared:)

Every smell is delightful as you walk around capturing each perfumed capsule, yes I noticed the YTT on your post I don't think there is a garden anywhere along the coast that does not have at least one.

Thanks for sharing @lizelle, life carries on, to make every day count by keeping a positive mind, helping others where we are able.

I found this post thanks to @miti-blog work, and his Curation Project: Undervalued Deserving Contents. Your work deserves way better, I'm happy to give you my upvote. Cheers, Nicola @knfitaly

Coltellinaio per passione e non solo...

Trentino - Italy

Thank you for visiting @knfitaly, I appreciate the visit and kind words.

Happy Spring! I can only image (with help from your beautiful photography) how wonderful those springs must be over in South Africa with such beautiful flowers, birds and scents wafting in the air!
I'm so glad you find peace and solace in your garden and it can indeed be a healing place for our grief (sorry to hear about your brother).
Thank-you for sharing a bit of spring from your part of the country!

Spring has been like a roller coaster with a couple of hot days followed by a few cold, the flowers have been prolific with rain we had two weeks ago.

With flower beds not working out too well I am glad I planted a variety of jasmin into the garden at different points.

The garden is a place to escape into many times a day, this week has been raw with memories, times in life one stops to assess, we hold no control so now to move on.

Thanks for visiting and enjoying the spring blooms.

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