Concurso martes sabrosos #103 de @qurator

in #qurator5 years ago

Estamos en el concurso de todos los martes alojado por @qurator. Sobre los martes sabrosos. Bienvenidos todos a la imaginación culinaria de los martes.


Este es un plato muy sencillo de hacer. Consiste en arroz blanco, acompañado con una ensalada de repollo morado y zanahoria, ambos rallados. Además de un rico pollo guisado al curry.


El arroz no necesita de explicación, porque es el arroz de consumo diario. La ensalada es muy fácil de hacer, nada más lavar los vegetales y rallar. Para luego aderezar con una mezcla de aceite, limón, miel de avejas, salsa de soya y sal.

El pollo es un guisado común con cebolla, ají, tomate, orégano molido, jengibre, cúrcuma y la especie predominante es el curry. Le añadimos papas picadas en cuadros y un poco de zanahoria rallada.

Listo el plato, no queda sino degustar. Buen provecho!!.

Gracias por su visita y comentario.

Dios siempre nos bendice.


Ho inviato 30 Steem ma non riesco a trovarlo nel mio portafoglio Steem. Lo steem è sparito. Gli aggiornamenti nel portafoglio sono vecchi di due giorni! L'hai ricevuto?

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Si, recibido, muchas gracias.

gertu, I Need Your Help!

Both @ArtTurtle and @Artopium (and perhaps soon @thejollyroger) are being needlessly downvoted by themarkymark. The more the delegator bots
are downvoted the less they will be able to upvote your content so this is an indirect attack on you! This is happening out of
pure vindictiveness as you know these bots are not spam and are powered by your steem power. Please help out by upvoting this comment
in order to counteract themarkymark's downvotes. Then please use your new downvote pool to downvote themarkeymark. He is a witness
and is abusing his power as such. Please unvote him for witness here.
He creates blacklists of thousands of Steemians he deems "inappropriate". I believe he is a majority cause for the drop in
the price in steem as he wrecklessly downvotes random content causing people to want to leave Steemit. Since he has over 500,000 SP
he can do quite a bit of damage, so it's going to take a concerted effort to get him to stop. Thank you!

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