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RE: Highly Contagious

in #qurator5 years ago

Sound frightful you poor thing. I'm thinking that if antibiotics made you sick you could be fighting a virus which would get worse with antibiotics due to bacteria getting killed off and leaving the virus to thrive without any completion. If it was bacterial they would have helped by now. It's not shingles is it? Hope u find out soon good luck

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First week I was so sick I resorted to 8 small helpings per day of yogurt, fresh fruit, home made vegetable soup, yes antibiotics always get me down.

Specialist mentioned herpes viral infection, not able to diagnose anything in particular which I feel is not good enough with 4 vials of blood and a biopsy.

Hopefully my home Doctor will be able to explain better what she reads from all the tests, always something to remember make sure to instruct laboratories send your results to your home doctor as well.

Thanks for thoughts, hopefully I will get to the bottom of what I have, it may remain one of those mysteries of life @enjoycompany

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