Quote of the Day #143: People That Know They Will Succeed, Always Do!

in #quoteoftheday7 years ago

Decide what you want!

Decisions are the basis of all that we do and all that happens to us. Whether it is ours or somebody else’s, the decisions being made are what shape our reality in every way. All the people that yearn for bigger and better lives are the ones willing to put in the effort and lift themselves up to the required level. Elevating how you operate is key to reaching the stars and beyond.

When you wake up every day, the choice is yours to either DO or DON’T, this is what sets the winners apart from the losers. Everyone in recorded human history that has reached any kind of success has always set their goals ahead of time and relentlessly pursued that vision. The intent & focus you roll out with each and every moment is the driving force to obtain the life you desire.

Knowing you will accomplish something, knowing you cannot fail if you simply try, knowing that you are always a victor, and knowing you can do whatever you want, YOU WILL! Please do not waste another minute doubting yourself or your abilities, you are already good enough, you just need to hold that belief within and let it shine outward.

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!

Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #142” if you haven’t already done so.

Get out there and get it done!

Follow @sandstorm for cool lifestyle, travel, and food content.


Believing is just the first step. Hard work is the second.

Ain't that the truth!

I definitely agree with the idea that our power to make decisions is one of the greatest abilities we have, as human beings. Even if you are limited in what you can do, physically - whether by disability or circumstances - making decisions and taking actions can pretty much accomplish anything, even if it takes you a very long time to accomplish your goal. I think of the diabled guy who climbed Mt. Everest - I think he was missing a leg, or maybe both, but he still made it - he did something that most people with 2 legs can't even begin to think about attempting to do. He made some decisions...

You've got the right approach to life @bi5h0p :) Making the critical decisions and choices in life and then following through is where it's at.

When there's no such thing as failure it's impossible not to succeed. 😁 I did try for a while though.

I re-read that a few times and it makes sense from every angle ;)

I pulled the old triple negative on those double negativers out there.

Hello @sandstorm

Being missing your quotes due to my new morning schedule, followed your Twitter link.

Every great thing that has been ever achieved started with a desire and that is what enables anyone to hold his vision in view at all times. So as the person goes through the day, he is open to information that will help him become better and plan better.

Something as trival as scrolling through social media will become a productive activity, because the person will end up following people that are good at what he desires , so his news feed will become a sort of tutorial center for his dreams.

Success comes as a result as a separation from mediocrity , when you know that you will succeed, you will take steps towards the things that will enable that success.

Thanks for being one of my social media tutors. LOL


Awesome comment brother! Thanks a lot for that :)

As Yoda said: There is no try - do or do not!

EPIC comment @japa, Yoda knows the score! :)

I think the most important part is when we first open our eyes the mind must be conditioned. I want to get this done today. Its the right start with the right attitude. Helps the day!

It certainly does!

knowing you cannot fail if you simply try, knowing that you are always a victor, and knowing you can do whatever you want, YOU WILL!

Good motivation, but not very realistic:) It is okay to doubt, and will often happen losses. The main thing to draw conclusions and to try again.

Always keep at it, in whatever you're doing and you'll never fail.

When you don't even believe that you can, how others believe that you can? So it is back to you to believe and to take action.

It all starts with that belief, and then the action to back it up :)

yup true :)

Everything starts​ with your faith. It will boost you to have the breath for the long run. If you belive that you can make it, then you will.

I like this quote and all stuff like that. :)​

Wonderful thoughts there @modernpastor, thanks for sharing! :)

Great quote @sandstorm, you seem to know what you want!

Thank you @lakshmi. One thing and one step at a time :)

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