Today's Motivational Quote: Sunday March 11, 2018

I'm taking the day off so today it's your turn!

Image from Pixabay using

Please give me your favourite motivational quote in the comments below and I will pick 3 for a 100% upvote from my account!

I'll pick the three best within 24 hours!

I can't wait to see what you have to contribute!

Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!



Do not make yourself a successful person, make yourself a noble person

Without doubt the quote that i like the most is: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

It’s better to regret for something that you did instead of something you didn’t do

"They promised us that dreams could come true, but they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too." Oscar Wilde

You must be careful with your thoughts, because they have the power to get up and also make you collapse. It's your decision.

"If plan "A" doesn't work, remember that the alphabet has 26 more letters"

"There are only two days in the year when you can not do anything: One is called "yesterday" and the other "tomorrow". Therefore, today is the ideal day to love, grow, develop and mainly live" The past, the past is. Staying stuck in the past will only make you waste your time. The future has not yet arrived, there is only the here and the now. Life is short, learning to live in the present moment is to take advantage of the moment you are living today; where what you do repairs yesterday and will build tomorrow.

The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder
By Thomas Carlyle

"It does not matter how you fall, if not how you get up, it does not matter the failure but to try again"

Do not leave GOD on the outside, take advantage of the time, before it's too late.

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