Today's Motivational Quote: Monday March 19, 2018

Today’s quote reminds us of something that we all have!

Image from Pixabay using

“The power of imagination makes us infinite”  

John Muir

Yes, we all have an imagination but do we make use of it?

Has it been snuffed out by the daily grind of life?

Here on the Steem blockchain we’ve got a good chance to use it and the possibilities are limitless!

Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!



Imagination word also consists the essence of words as "I Am A Nation", this reflects that our imagination is so powerful and if we use it in a proper way and with proper channeling then we can produce the Unimaginable things in life and the great inventors of this world started their journey with the imagination, but we need an power of combination means if you imagine and do nothing then you will manifest nothing but imagine great things and start with simple and basic steps because if you do small things right then you can do big things right. For example, there was an person who imagined to become an magician and he joined magician classes for that but initially he failed to learn the tricks because he showed less action oriented behaviour but when started to face the continuous failures he decided to rise again and he started putting his full concentration on his work and after his hard work and dedication he achieved his dream to become an magician. So let's give wings to your imagination and achieve the great goals by your hard work and dedication. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thanks for sharing your experience!

Welcome. 🙂

This reminds of one of the best quotes of Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. I strongly believe this quote and that The power of imagination makes us infinite :)

Thanks for sharing your quote as well!

When imagination surrounds us there is no one to stop us, imagination and creativity go hand in hand. Steemit is the best platform I know to make known our imaginary and creative proposal.

It is a wonderful platform and opportunity!

You need imagination in order to see the life of your dreams. There are limitless opportunities in the world, we just have to imagine them and make them real :)

Yes, let's make them real!

Life without imagination is boring. I love people that want to explore the world and use their imagination to achieve their dreams :)

Yes it does add spice to our life!

Its the power of imagination that made all that exists today possible. If we don't use our imagination, then we will just keep doing the same things over and over. I love people that have big imagination because normally they are more creative and inspire me :)

Yes imagination does inspire us!

Excellent appointment, it is good that we explore our talents and work on them, so we will also contribute to the world our bit.

Yes we need to explore our talents!

My answer to your quote today is another phrase:

"If you are going to dream,
dream big.

Usually used when we use our imagination, a tool of infinite possibilities, the only limit is yourself.

Yes, dream big!

Yes... By our imagination we will be a incredible hulk or super man....
Imagination is one of the close part of our life....
Thanks for giving us an inspiring quote.. @goodvibrations

It is my pleasure!

Like our physical body, the mind needs to exercise the imagination and keep it active. Let's take advantage of the moments of rest, in the midst of relaxation, before going to sleep or when we get up, and have the freedom to imagine, visualize desired images, fulfill dreams, perceive happiness and be sure that it will be closer to us
Nothing like reading and knowing how to listen to feed the imagination and the intellect. When we do it, our mind creates images, faces, shapes, colors, landscapes, atmospheres of all kinds, when we carry our imaginative power, we nourish thought.

You make a lot of good points!

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