Quitting Tobacco? Use These Steps to Quit Tobacco Using Cannabis! (Craving Free for 15+ Years!)

in #quitsmoking8 years ago

The Combination of These Steps and Cannabis Made it So Easy!

Hi, I smoked cigarettes for over 20 years before I met the lady who was to become my wife. We were both 'pack a day' smokers. We started with a few decisions to set up changes in our routines. We worked toward making the changes 'regular' for a few months and then spent a month and a half of actually ending our relationship with tobacco.

These initial steps greatly reduced our stress levels, reducing our tobacco/nicotine cravings. As we gained skills, we were able to reduce the overall number of cigarettes we were smoking. Once these levels were greatly reduced, using cannabis to quit tobacco was ridiculously easy.

Here are the steps we took, before actually quitting

  • We made a pact to work together as a team.
  • We agreed to be honest with ourselves and each other. Period.
  • We agreed not to smoke inside, houses or vehicles.
  • We agreed to 'cut back' and worked on smoking a bit less
  • We agreed on a "No Drama" policy in our house

Team Coaching

We, as humans, work together better in teams. It's easier to stay focused when two people agree on the same goals. Yes, there were times we both were distracted, we did find our way back 'as a team.' We agreed to call each other out when we stepped off the path, and to not get upset about it because we'd agreed on the goals.

Trust is a big part of who you choose as a team member. Hopefully a significant other can be of assistance.


The more honest you are, the less stress you have in life. We found we had friends who were uncomfortable around honesty, they eventually quit coming around. Depending on your current level of honesty, this may or may not make things worse in your life. I can tell you things were pretty chaotic when we switched to a full honesty policy.

14 years later, I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Not Smoking Indoor

Get in a car, you want to light a cigarette. Walk into your house and sit down to relax, you want to light a cigarette. Quitting smoking while inside houses and cars served two purposes.

One, it reduced the number of times you're going to smoke. Having to stop what you're doing to go smoke is time consuming. You'll find you smoke quite a few less cigarettes over time.

Two, weather restrictions also make smoking 'not fun' when you're stuck with going outside to do it. I remember 120F temps and skipping a smoke, just to stay inside where it was cool, same with freezing temps.

Cut Back

We worked on smoking fewer a day. We didn't make it 'tough' to quit, just enough 'fewer' that we weren't uncomfortable about it. This actually reduced our overall need for nicotine, as time went on.

No Drama

We are interested in moving forward in life. This means working toward and achieving positive and worthwhile goals. Talking about a problem and the people involved in it, without searching for a solution or way to improve the situation, is drama.

We began to explain this to people and ask them to respect the "No Drama" policy in our house. Perfectly ok to go talk like that on the porch, just not in our house. We keep this policy in place even today, years later. It's a good one.

Our 'friends' began to not come over and our stress levels went down even further. Working together brought my wife and I closer together and the time without 'others' was good for us.

The Cannabis

Several months after we put this plan together, we bought a pound of cannabis. It cost us $1500 at the time and the quality was decent for the area. This is when the fun began.

With one exception, we completely replaced our cigarette smoking with cannabis. We agreed to employ the glass of water trick first, before any consumption of cannabis.

Drink a Glass of Water and Wait 10 Minutes

Any time we wanted a cigarette, we waited 10 minutes before acting on it. 10 minutes passed and we still wanted a cigarette? We would down a glass of water and wait another 10 minutes. Still can't stand it?

Smoke a joint!

Massively Awesome Results

I used zero cigarettes from the first day. My wife, in an extremely stressful job, took another 2 weeks. I don't blame her one bit, that job was AWFUL! The stress and harassment were at lawsuit levels.

I walked away from cigarettes as if I'd simply taken a shirt off. At the end of the pound of cannabis, almost 2 months later, my cannabis use had returned to pre 'quitting' levels. Zero desire for tobacco.

My wife experienced the same, after the first 2 weeks were past. Neither of us have had a cigarette in 14 years now, maybe 15?

There is Life After Tobacco!

I'm unable to be critical of smokers, I did it for 20+ years and know what it's like. I've quit for short periods multiple times and always ended up smoking again. The cravings were always too much.

This was final, over, done with. Tobacco is no longer a part of our lives and we love it. Here's hoping you get the opportunity to do the same!

#quitsmoking #tobacco #cannabis #marijuana


Maybe I will give this a try. I live in Colorado, so purchasing cannabis is no problem. In fact, my partner is a pothead, so I have a ready supply already. 😂

LOL I'm loving Colorado! :)

We used whatever it was we picked up, you'll be able to get higher cbd strains. Should make a big difference, use less cannabis. :) Keep me posted!

"Drink a Glass of Water and Wait 10 Minutes

Any time we wanted a cigarette, we waited 10 minutes before acting on it. 10 minutes passed and we still wanted a cigarette? We would down a glass of water and wait another 10 minutes. Still can't stand it?

Smoke a joint!"

We are going to try this. Right now My boyfriend and I have gone from cigarettes to vapes, but the vapes are starting to give us headaches.

Yeah, not a big fan of glycerin or propylene glycol here.

I would go back to cigarettes. Just use these methods and cut back. Another benefit is how much closer my wife and I became as a couple. Massively awesome. :) We were listening to "Lead the Field" by Earl Nightengale as well, very beneficial reinforcement. Highly recommended. :)

You Can Do It! :D

The glass of water trick works in determining if your stomach is really hungry or you are just dehydrated. The body gives off the same signals for dehydration as it does for hunder.


Just so folks are aware, blunt wraps are tobacco.

Yes, There are People Who Are Not Aware of This

I'm not sure if they believe blunt wraps are paper or something, they were surprised to find out that cigars are wrapped with gasp tobacco.

LOL Amazing the educational levels on cannabis. I can imagine the conflict in people who still believe the hype they've been told about cannabis. Whaaat? That's like suggesting I smoke crack to quit tobacco! lol :)

Seriously folks, if you think cannabis is a problem you really need to take a long hard look at your education on the subject.

Cannabis is a Good Thing!(tm)

Thank you.
This has saved me significant time, money and health. I hope others can put it to work for them as well. :)


Just Quit Already

Really. I smoked for 20+ years and don't mind cigarette smoke. Vape smoke is truly disgusting though. Propylene glycol? Glycerin? Gross stuff in your lungs. Cigarettes will probably turn out to be a healthy alternative to vaping, once the 20 year use statistics are in.

Can't stand that for nicotine or cannabis, just wrong.

Propylene Glycol

I can understand inhaling cannabis, not plant glycerin and anti-freeze though. Seriously, waiting for the "Did You Vape with Product X in 2014-2018? Contact our Lawyers today!" ads to start showing on tv in the future.

Vioxx, phen-phen, asbestos... they were all great ideas. Right?


I was a happy smoker for 10 years

Then I was a "I want to quit" smoker for 10 years. Then I used these methods and really quit.

It's AMAZING how much more time, money and health I have now. I seriously recommend you give it a shot. :) I don't miss it a bit.

lol you like that gif they posted, eh babe? :)

Nice and now you recommend to use illegal drugs instead of smoking cigarettes ?

Good job mate ... seriously ...

Cannabis is LEGAL where I live.

It will not be illegal where you live, probably within the next 10 years. Cannabis is an exit herb. :)

I grow "Clean" cannabis, completely different from the contaminated cannabis that prohibition keeps around. Clean cannabis does not harm the lungs in the slightest, actually beneficial for asthmatics and other lung disorder patients.

The current contaminants commonly found In and On cannabis, definitely cause lung issues.

I keep having this conversation about 'clean' cannabis with people who don't seem to fully understand what I'm talking about.

It's like describing a rainbow to someone who's never witnessed colors. Sort of.

^^^ Clean cannabis! MMM no. All cannabis has resin when you smoke it. Unless your vaping in which case your not smoking resin but either way, bud still has resin and to claim you grow clean cannabis is insane. IDK ask my weed guy. He'll tell you.

Clean cannabis tastes like hash, with a teeny tiny after taste of "burnt stuff." The 'resin' you speak of is made up of easily absorbed terpenes and cannabinoids. It's not loaded with ash like your pipe resin.

HEPA filtered, pharmaceutical grade nutrients, reverse osmosis water, the right conditions and a knowledge of how to actually grow clean cannabis. Not a combination you run into frequently in the world right now.

You can smoke clean cannabis through a bong, all day long, for months on end, and not have so much as a tiny smoker's cough. No hacking up dark phlem, no having to cough when you're not being greedy with a big hit.

Clean cannabis, coming to a grower near you.

what? No upvote? lol

Tell me you don't believe the b.s. you've been fed about cannabis your whole life. This is seriously good information here! :D

Any suggestions on an additional category this would fit in?

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 4.9 and reading ease of 84%. This puts the writing level on par with Ernest Hemingway and Donald Trump.

Nice to know, thanks bot.

Didn't know Trump could write, honestly.

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