Quite Frankly, The Bliss and Nightmare of Kundalini Holiday saved my life.

in #quitefrankly7 years ago (edited)



By Dr. Glenn Morris


Enlightenment is a biological process which has intellectual consequences. It can only be achieved through disciplining the body, which allows for the resurrecting of the spirit. Resurrecting the spirit means strengthening and entraining the body's electrochemical fields and hormonal systems normally thought of as the parasympathetic nervous systems and gaining control over the "flight/fight response.'' People familiar with esoteric or occult traditions may refer to this as opening and aligning the chakras, or if you've read into Taoist medical practice, running the micro- and macrocosmic orbits to "harmonize" the mind, spirit, and body. Religious people may experience this as union with god as the spirit gains ascendance. Yogis and ninjas both may refer to it as following the light, and Zen practitioners as following the breath.


I see enlightenment as a process of reeducating the mental structures which support the ego (the learned self and particularly the negative aspect sometimes referred to as the superego) to allow the id- which is grown up and housebroken though somewhat childish to run the show. The result is not psychosis but transcendence if the practitioner is altruistic, trusting, and impeccable (pursuing truth not perfection, not sinning, or missing the goal) in his or her practice of intention. Once the process starts it is almost impossible to stop, as it is a natural biological need to be righteous. Once startled out of "business as usual" the subconscious continuously seeks to awaken.


Behavior beyond the practice of meditation and integration has little to do with the path. If the practitioners are happy, relaxed, and confident they will follow their own path to enlightenment, which is also a peaceful heart. If not, they will follow others and this external focus may result in dependence, addiction, or paranoia depending on their chosen teacher. My basic position is we are not to worship but to become.

The Kundalini Experience

And to be quite FRANK, becoming a guru or Hare Krishna or cult member struck me as the ultimate in silliness. I had stayed away from the religious aspects as I was quite content being a failed Methodist and still feel that way except for occasional excursions into goddess worship. My concerns were purely technical and my expectations were to gain control over my body's electrical system. I can't give an exact chronology of the following events as they seemed not to be consecutive but concurrent. Anyway, what happened was totally unexpected.

According to the transpersonal psychologists who research in this area, most of the people go through spiritual crises and the ones who have a full-blown kundalini experience tend to retire from society.


When you first pass through the veil, there is a strong tendency to feel very superior to all the people you know who haven't done this. It shouldn't last too long. Your taijutsu skills may improve just from net dodging. Invisibility is more secure than invincibility, as you'll discover. The general population's expectations don't include this form of adventure as entertainment, and the ELITE do their level-headed best to stamp it out.

Be careful.



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