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RE: Well after nearly a year, I finally heard directly from Ned.

All right, for all of us who arrived to the party late and probably underdressed, can we get someone who can generate a clear and concise summary for the rest of us?

Because for all that I am probably one of the more savvy members of the community, I've never been one for following drama terribly directly and, if were being honest with one another, after the first month or so I really found digging into the underbelly of how the system works more than a little tedious because of the obsession with drama as the real currency of Steemit.

I decided to just go off and do my thing, and in general I'm pretty happy with that.

But now it appears that I really should put my finger on the pulse of what's going on because – apparently – it encompasses stupidity on a vast and critical level.

Which is cool. I love schadenfreude.

So if we could get a management-level, point by point high-level description of what's going on, I would be deeply appreciative.


Upvoted for truth agranddizment

I feel like I have seen the edges of this thing going on.

But – it's so silly! Why is this even a thing? Of all the drama that could be running on Steemit, which is constantly running on Steemit, why would @ned be bothering with this little penny-ante shit? And again, I use scatological terms sparingly on Steemit, so I must really have very little respect for the things I'm observing.

I also read the thread which you linked to earlier in the pile with the open letter, and I come away shaking my head. Not because of the sheer level of drama, though that is pretty significant, too, but because there is really nothing going on aside from a CEO acting like a bit of a dick on a social network, and Hades knows we have plenty of examples of that going on elsewhere.

As far as I can tell, EOS is "just another altcoin" at this point, right? Just one more ERC-20, among literally thousands. They don't seem to have any kind of social network platform or even proof of concept that I can seem to find, and while their website is quite pretty, we know that translates to absolutely nothing in terms of what the eventual "working platform" will look like.

Which is to say, it's a total stretch to suggest that EOS is a "competitor" in any sense of the word at this point, except for being just another altcoin.

Could something eventually come to be out of that? Absolutely! And it would be great for all of us if it did. Maybe it would have social media features that have become commonplace in the last decade – unlike Steemit.

The cynical, yet conspiracy-minded part of my twisted little brain really wants to believe that this is, in fact, a conspiracy. No one could be that stupid in public. No one could be involved in that amount of projection, and ridiculous posturing in public, as a CEO. Surely, surely, this is a coordinated effort between the two to generate some fake drama in order to drive up interest in EOS and maybe jumpstart some cross-pollination by investors. If I were Ned, I would definitely already have an investment in EOS as well as STEEM, because he has plenty of liquid investment to play with and it's always better to be on the ground floor of a winner, even if you have some money temporarily in a loser.

That's what I'd like to believe, anyway. Unfortunately, I am well aware that wanting to believe the thing is a sure flag that thing is not true. This is probably exactly what it appears to be in nothing more.

And that's kind of sad.

If we had actually seen any development in SMT's over the last few months, if we had actually seen any implementation of the roadmap for the last couple of years over the last few months, if we had actually seen something going on with Steemit as a platform that wasn't just encouraging people to go build their own tools, their own ecosystem off of Steemit – it would be a lot easier, interestingly enough, to believe this frantic story of "being afraid of a competitor."

As is, this reads more as someone being kind of dumb. I think that might be worse.

Really I can aggrandize you in one word.


But I will add, you totally nailed it and got an A on the final exam, Doctor.

All of that. All true.

I'm pretty aggrandized in general. It comes with having a simultaneously enormous ego and massive case of imposter complex.

It's a writer thing.

The problem with my analysis, and I absolutely acknowledge it as a problem, is the question of "so what the hell should I do about it?"

I almost want to go stick some money into EOS, just to be kind of an ass, but honestly I haven't seen anything which is going to back up EOS as a valued token yet, and I really hate to waste money just on general principles – so that's not really a good idea.

I can keep hounding @ned about being dumb in public, but that seems counterproductive. Not that he could be any less productive, lately, as far as any of us can tell, but I'd rather not be blamed for a delay of SMT's beyond another six months. Or yet another excuse to not improve the Steemit interface. Or no more commentary on the bandwidth issue for new users.

I don't want that on my conscience.

So in the end, all I'm left with is a vague sense of disquiet and disgust, and no better option than just "keep doing what I'm doing," using the platform for blogging, keep sharing the links, "keep sharing the tapes." It worked for MST3k.

Unfortunately, none of this actually provides something useful for us to do. I object to that.

I will stand by you as we ponder the yonder.

Hai .... @lextenebris,,?Maybe my future will be like someone like you bright and bright, but if I do not know it, maybe with my behavior towards you @lextenebris who are always honest

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