Questions And Answers ~ Episode 7

in #questionandanswer4 years ago

Hello friends, hope you all doing great? Well, I am from this part of the world. Been out for a friend's wedding, went pretty well though until mobile started messing up to the extent that I could not take any pictures, I was so pissed arghh going to a wedding without being able to take a picture.... not so good for me. But it is working okay for now till it starts again.

Yeah! So guys it is another episode of #questionandanswer with @bliss11 ...and am excited, hope you are? Our guest for today is... drum rolls....@simplymike yay!!

(Image used by permission from) (

Although, have never really had a one on one chat with @simplymike but I have seen some of her post, fortunately I got to know her better through this interview...She is an interesting person and I hope you all get to know her better today. Now to the business of the day.....

source (Text edited by me)

What is your most valued lesson about life?

There are so many I don't even know which one to pick, lol. Understanding that everything that happens is an opportunity to learn something has really changed the way I experience things.
I don't regret anything that I've done or experienced in the past, because I learned something every time. About myself, about the world, about life.

How would you describe yourself?

Well... a couple of lines won't do. I don't even know if a 700-page novel would be enough, lol.
It's like in the Meredith Brooks-song: I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint....I'm full of contradictions and every day again, I'm trying to find a balance.

What is the first thing you notice about someone?

Their 'vibe'. I'm extremely sensitive, and I pick up people's vibe before anything else.

If you were to stay a week without the internet, what would you do to keep yourself busy?

I love to read, so I would probably load up on books and spend the week with some creepy horror stories.

What is your idea of a perfect day?

Spending a sunny day on a festival, surrounded by my friends and great tunes, with a lake to chill in nearby.

If you were to be an animal, what would you be and why?

That's an easy one: a cat. To be more specific: one of my cats, lol.
Being able to do what you want all day, while being pampered... who wouldn't love that?

Which would you prefer movie night or a music concert?

A movie night. I haven't been to a whole lot of music concerts before, since I don't really like crowds.
I love music, but I like to listen to it on my own conditions.

Tell us about one of the most happiest moment you have had?

Difficult question, there have been so many happy moments.
I'm going to skip this one, because I can't find the words to describe any moment and do justice to it.

What personality turns you off?

I can't really pinpoint one. I'm not easily turned off by people.
I believe everyone acts in a certain way for a reason, and I'm trying to see a person as more than how he comes across.
Someone who is very loud or full of himself, for example, often hides that he's insecure.
I think every person is interesting, and I usually find a way to work around personality aspects that I might not be very fond of because there's so much more to a person than just one thing.

Awnn... What a time with @simplymike and a very interesting read too, I hope you enjoyed today's episode of #questionandanswer. A big thank you to @simplymike for her time in honoring my invite, despite no prior notice she still took time to do the interview.... thank you.

So guys, that is it on today's episode of #questionandanswer, remember you can nominate someone to be interviewed here or drop a question you would love to see asked here. Thanks for following up on this episode, feel free to leave a comment..... I remain....Bliss.


Thanks, @bliss11. It was fun to do :0)



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Thank you @simplymike.... Sending you hugs 😄😄

Thank you @bliss11! That was really fun to read and it does give a better look at someone you don't know that well.

I like it. @bluemoon used to do something similar a while back called #SAM aka
Something about Me which I loved to read. This is the first I have seen of this but I hope to continue with it!

Have a great Sunday!


Thanks, @dswigle! I'm glad you remember #SAM.

Am glad you enjoyed the read and am happy to have you stop by @dswigle. Have a wonderful week ahead. 😄

It was interesting.... @simplymike
I know her from Team Possible Group...
To e honest I was always confuse about gender as name is Mike which look like male name and from the chat contest in group I always feel like she is female gender.
Now I know what she

Haha, sorry, @guurry123.
My username indeed causes confusion.


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Haha...I also made that mistake at first till I got to know. Thanks for dropping by @guurry123 ...have a lovely day.


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Another great #questionandanswer post! It was good to learn a little about @simplymike... I look forward to seeing your next post!

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Thank you @wesphilbin....a lovely Sunday to you. 😄

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I think it would be interesting to ask @shadowspub if she wants to do a Q&A.

Thanks for the nomination.... I would seek her consent if she would love to....Have a wonderful Sunday. 😄

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