- What is your worst habit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #question6 years ago

  • What is your worst habit?

    First of all let me start by letting you all know that every time I read the word worst I have to giggle! You might wonder why because worst is really not a fun word. It's something bad right> Kinda ... Well... Not in Dutch! In dutch, if you write or say the word worst you are talking about a weener, a sausage or in my case... Yupp you guessed it a penis! So, now we got that out of the way, so I can answer the question!


    What is my worst ((hehe)) habit? I think I have a few bad ones but I am not 100% sure what the worst ((hehe)) one is! I am really bad at throwing things away. I even keep empty pens and matchboxes! Now, I really keep a lot and that does make a mess but is not bad in my eyes! I like to give things a second life instead of throwing them away or buying new! Makes sense right? Okay moving on!

    I do NOT pick my nose and I do not steal. Wait a minute!!! We are on to something here! But let me say this first. I am cute! <---- Keep that in mind! I might be a thief, a little one, at times, not always! And by far not a super bad one! I mean... I uhmmm Yeah. Okay, I steal lighters! Yupp! No matter where I go and who I ask for it, they never get it back unless they steal them back! Will I go to Hell for this? (Scratches chin) And again, not the worst (hehe) one!


    My worst (Hehe) habit must be the fact that I ... Let me think here....Okay! yes the fact that I smoke and yes I do know how bad that is for me! Please do not tell me to stop because I won't listen ( Even worse than smoking?) anyways! We all do bad things that make us feel better and for me that is smoking!

    One more habit I have is one that others call my worst (hehe) habit! You see, I like to poke people a lot! No no not online! In real life with my REAL finger and yes on weird places! No, I am not ashamed of that either! So, now I would like to know your answers! What is your worst habit? Feel free to share your answer in the replies! I am looking forward to reading them!

    Image source: Pixabay.nl for all pictures above!

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    Best wishes



I didn't know that the word "worst" translates like that. That is funny. I would say that my bad habit is not doing the dishes or cleaning up the kitchen after meals because the mess tend to pile up. That's funny that you steal lighters lol. I'm sure that is a common habit for people who smoke.

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Hehehe you make me laugh with your worst habits, mine is that I don't keep to time and I always like to driving home late at night even when I close from my place of work early

My worst habit im a selfie and social media junkie 😔🙃

Worst, that made me chuckle what an interesting association! Reminds me somehow of an old Blackadder episode "this Turnip is shaped like a thingy" lol


Anyway back to worst habits, I'm not sure I care to admit all mine! I'm not sure if it is classed a habit, but I'm particularly bad at cutting my finger nails - they end up getting quite long (in bloke terms) before I finally cave in and trim them.

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