ecoTrain Question Of The Week: "What was one of the most profound spiritual moments or experiences of your life?" by @hopehuggs

in #qotw7 years ago (edited)

The spiritual experience I am about to share gives me the quiet confidence that God exists. I don't think I have actually talked about it for a good number of years, so it's lovely to be able to share it here and now.

I was 23, I found a beautiful friendly community of people in a church in Haywards Heath and I had been on two Alpha courses to help me understand what is to be Christian and I had got to the point that I decided to get baptised.

It was one of them full water dunking type of baptisms. They get a big tub in the church and do a batch of us at once. I don't remember much about that part, other than it was cold.

But, whilst I was waiting for for my turn. I had my most memorable spiritual experience.

I got this funny feeling in my mouth, almost like a bubbling and I opened my mouth and words came out that I could not understand and or control. I believe I was given the gift to speak in tongues.

I can say hand on my heart that that a miracle has happened to me.

Unfortunately I messed up after breaking up with another church member and went off the rails a little bit (in London miles away), well one overindulgant weekend lets say (that's another drunken story), and they sort of said I wasn't welcome anymore. Haven't been back to a church since.

But I never forget my mini miracle and often sing at home in full volume with words I don't know what they are saying, but trust they are praising God.

Love this picture from Pixabay, not completely related but is a baptism of the air and looks kinda fun :)


I am sending you a tip for your post! It was a bit late, but im happy you engaged with us! Thanks @hopehuggs!

tip! 2

Thank you, I will try and catch the next question a little earlier. Hope to delegate something to ecotrain this week and get writing on some topics that will fall within the ecotrain scope.

thats great @hopehuggs.. we will be having the next qotw on Friday! so watch this space!

Wow that is amazing! It felt like bubbles!! How interesting! Thank u for sharing this!

Thank you @hopehuggs for sharing your experience.

Its funny how things have a way of working themselves out, do you ever see yourself going back to church again in the future?

It is a big possibility, I take the girls to Messy Church sometimes, but unfortunately the usual Sunday service in that one, is not too child friendly. But will ask around at some point.

It's interesting, I was raised in a catholic family, baptized, confirmed, went to a catholic school etc, but as i get older I've found myself becoming less religious and just more accepting of all religions and those who worship them. For me modern religion causes too much division between people rather than bringing people closer together, thats my biggest problem i think

I lived on a small island when I was growing up, it was very religious, but the people were so hypocritical and gossips, so I've ended up believing that the best way is to be accepting and treat others as you want you want to be treated and that's the best way of spreading love and kindness. The whole world is a church, not one specific building. It's crazy that there are denominations within the same religions that cause so much tension too.

Interesting read @hopehuggs. Whilst no knowing the whole story of you 'going off the rails' it sounds like a case of your church going against the 'he who has no sin cast the first stone'. We all make mistakes in life and the most important thing to learn in Christianity is that nobody is perfect.

It wasn't anything thousands of other 20 years old wouldn't have done! Just it got back to the leaders and they didn't think it was appropriate for me to become an official member. I also met my ex husband somewhere around this time too, which probably didn't help my case. That was exactly my thought when they sat me down to tell me they didn't think I was a good enough role model to become a member of the church.

I am glad you had a memorable experience- one that stays with you forever. Every experience that we have nurtures and affects us in different ways and shapes our personality. I am little upset that they didn't allow you in church again. Churches and mosques and temples should be open for everyone so all of us can go there and not feel wanted and use that experience to improve us for the better.

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