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RE: Qmap: The Deep State Mapping Project- A historic perspective on the bad actors of today

in #qmap7 years ago (edited)

How are the Rothschilds Jews? Are they blood?Not that I side with the "HOLY" land farce or the "Chosen" people charade in the least but you might as well call them Buddhists because they don't practice either anyway.

On Friday March 22, 1935, Robert H. Hemphill stated the following before The House of Representative's Committee on Banking & Currency in Washington D.C.:
“... there has been for 200 years, since one certain man came into power as a financial genius, Mayer Anselm Rothschild, who was born in 1790 — since he came into power there has been a constant, organized, shrewd conspiracy to convince the people of theworld that this is not true, to convince men against their own judgment, against a thingwhich is self-evident. And that conspiracy has involved the press, it has involved the pulpit, it has involved our schools, a conspiracy to mislead people about theimportance of a very simple thing — money. The interests who promote this confusion profit by retaining for themselves the monopoly of manufacturing our money.”

Robert H. Hemphill
(1876 - 1941)FROM THE Banking Act of 1935 Hearings before the Committee on Banking andCurrency, House of Representatives, Seventy-fourth Congress. U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office. 1935. p.484

“The Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were the power in the old Bank of the United States.”

Gustavus Myers
(1872 – 1942)History of the Great American Fortunes, Random House, p.556 American journalist and historian who published a series of influential studieson caPital formation

and the most damning and Big Picture quote is page 165:


Well, I think the argument is that they're Khazarian. And possibly worship BA'AL.

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