Liberal Voting Strategy to Ignore White Men

in #qanon6 years ago

In the fight against racism, sexism and ageism this person has an interesting tactic.

voting strategy.png

Seemingly irrespective of intelligence, character or policy this person will vote in a racist, sexist, ageist manner. This will destroy these problems. And there's zero chance that this behaviour is wrong in itself. Clever isn't it?

This, sadly is what we're dealing with. A brainwashed population which hates white men and thinks it is virtuous to discriminate against them, for any reason, to any degree. At it's peak this sentiment is espoused in statements like this:


Horrific, no? Yet somehow this 'professor' was able to keep his job at Harvard after calling for a genocide against White people. This shows how deep the problem runs...


It’s fucking disgusting is what it is. In what goddamn lifetime would a Caucasian person be able to teach a class on the advantages some minorities and immigrants have in this country. I’m not sure how making white people as a whole, under a blanket statement these days, is tolerated. He who preaches about racism blasts white people for privelage. So, I am privelaged I went to go get my EMT basic at night while working full time and supporting myself. Then going and getting my EMT Intermediate and Paramedic. I am privelaged to have worked that hard through a community college who anyone can attend. I currently work 300 hours a month as a medic between my full time station and part time stations. I am so very very thankful that life PRIVELAGED me to be able to work as a customer service agent in a call center while putting hard work into battering my career. I’m sorry, but you can kick rocks. If you reason is because you have children, fuck you, that was your decision, I chose to wait until I was stable. That’s not a reason, thats blaming your short comings on your child/children. And as for getting 15 dollars for flipping burgers, you clearly missed the life memo, but that is not meant to be a career. Now with that company sure.....but you lack of motivation or opportunity is not always someone else’s fault. As long as you talk about how all white people are given everything and racist, I’m feel sure racism will solve itself vs getting worse....................this nation and its tolerance for ignorance have just become overwhelming. When it all implodes, I hope no other country helps us or you. Deal with your own shit you took on your own country.

Has anyone ever tried Communism in Africa, India, or the Middle East? Why do they think that importing browns and blacks into previously white countries will further their goals of a Communist society? Or, do they have something else in mind?

They certainly have something else in mind.

This is the result of successful Cultural Marxism. Instead of the divide being between proletariat and bourgeoisie it has become white vs black, man vs women, etc. The amplifying of the division between groups is textbook Democratic politics. They use this friction to push their agenda. If you want to see the end result of this tactic, look no further than South Africa.

What will happen when the black south african congress takes control of all the land held by whites? They won't be able to farm it. Perhaps they will sell it to a Globalist AgroBusiness and pocket bribes.

They'll starve and the cycle of communism will continue.

The internet is changing things though. People are waking up at an unprecedented rate...

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