Hugh Hefner, Long-Time Central Intelligence Agency Asset? Revelations of QAnon. . .

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

Since 2017, an actor named QAnon has posted cryptic messages with profoundly accurate predictions of future events and incredible insinuations. Was even the late Hugh Hefner himself implicated?

Source: The Economist

In early 2018 the world was processing some sensational revelations; radical information was being leaked to the public from sources like QAnon and Wikileaks. News was spreading across discussion boards and many well-known people were being accused of wrongdoing.

Hi Steemians, I'm @holsturr.

TLDR: An entity with the handle QAnon began posting cryptic riddled revelations of bad actors in or involved with the United States government. QAnon’s sensational claims sparked doubt, but the fantastical accuracy with which QAnon predicted future events had the Internet paying attention. Among the implicated was Hugh Hefner, who QAnon insinuated to be a long-time Central Intelligence Agency asset through a couple of their characteristic question-statements:

“What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?”

“What is a honeypot?”

Clown in America appeared to reference the CIA, with honeypot referencing a process of blackmail.

QAnon is the handle of an entity that began posting on 4chan and 8chan in 2017. Calling their info drops “crumbs,” it is speculated that the “Q” in QAnon referred to Q-level Security Clearance, the most unrestricted security clearance granted by the U.S. government facilitated through the Department of Energy. QAnon is credited with informing the public of an already-in-progress political upheaval; including claims that since at least early 2018, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, and John McCain were all fitted with ankle bracelet monitors and barred from travel.


QAnon’s posts were written in cryptic fashion and often used questions to provoke thought and make connections. QAnon’s posts were categorized under CBTS, or Calm Before the Storm, an apparent homage to President Trump’s bizarre statement made during a photo op at a dinner in late 2017. Because of the difficulty in navigating information drops, a CBTS subreddit was organized to help people keep track of developments.

How did Hugh Hefner tie into this? The specific question QAnon posed read “What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America? What is a honeypot?” Clown in America appeared to reference the CIA, and honeypot was thought to refer to the practice of surreptitiously videotaping influential guests during compromising activities in the Playboy Mansion for blackmail later.

No matter what, it is clear the world is in a period of immense global volatility and uncertainty. With new information being revealed every day, politicians, banks, corporations, and public figures are engaging in unprecedentedly wild activity with the potential for global consequences. Now more than ever, research and reliable facts are essential, despite the difficulty in navigating such information.

💰✨Remember… Every single person is their own trusted expert and seeking to promote yourself in that role is vital today, now more than ever.

This has been @holsturr, thank you for reading!

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you have committed a violation please do not repeat again

The Q community seems to be growing on Steemit. We produce Q-universe News which I have just mirrored on Dtube. We cover Q drops. latest news amd do special reports. Just completed a Mccabe timeline. Keep digging.

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