Pimp Your Post Thursday Videos from April 26th -- Addressing False Claims

in #pypt6 years ago

This past Thursday was yet again a very successful two sessions of Pimp Your Post Thursday. The show where people get to come on share their posts and meet others. Some great laughs are had. Strong connections between people occur and I usually always learn something about the great people on Steem.

Here’s the video from the morning session:

Some excellent posts were shared. Something that hasn’t happened up until this show is someone coming on who seems more intent on presenting a controversial argument than summarizing and presenting their post.

Dealing With Difficult Subjects

We’ve had difficult subjects presented and talked about during PYPT. The people who have presented them have done so in a manner that recognized what they were presenting could be controversial and were ready to have a respectful discussion after they had summarized their post and some had take a quick look at it.

Blacklibertario (his screen name) didn’t attempt to give a summary of his controversial topic. I listened until I realized he was attempting to use the show to present his argument. At that point I intervened and put a stop to it. We moved on in the voice chat but I was aware the discussion was taking place in the the text chat. I wasn’t able to follow that and didn’t try to. There are moderators present who will step in if needed.

I moved to the next presenter. At some point, one of the mods did kick him from the chat. I don’t know what triggered it but I do know that mod well enough to know she is not quick to take action unless she feels the situation is likely to escalate.

False Claims of Censorship and Banning

Today I found out that that Blacklibertario is making claims that he was banned and that he was censored. Well, he was never banned. My channel logs show that pretty clearly when I checked them. There was a kick, not a ban.

As for the claims of censorship. Last I checked, I have expected all my guests to present their post by summarizing the post. How exactly is it censorship when a guest fails to do so and is stopped from hijacking the show for his own purposes?

I realize that it seems at times anyone who feels they haven’t been able to do what they want claims censorship. My understanding of censorship is the attempt to remove awareness of the material from possible public consumption.

That raises some more questions for me… like if I was censoring him, why would I have even commented that people were free to read his post and draw their own conclusions?

And even more importantly, if I wanted to censor him and his content, why would I have left (and continue to leave) that post up in the pypt-attendee-only channel in the Steemit Discord? Below is the screenshot of the post which went up there on Monday Apr. 23rd.

I don’t agree with his arguments. They may be true in his mind. I however will stack my four decades of life experience as a woman against his two decades of life to reach my conclusions.

That, however, was not why he was stopped from arguing his case. The show is about presenting posts. Not debating instead of presenting.

This was bound to happen at some point. It has, and we’ll move on from it.

The rest of the show went really well.

The evening was busy with many posts on a wide variety of topics were presented. Many laughs and chats were enjoyed.

I want to take this opportunity to thank not only all the regular guests but the team who often works almost unnoticed to keep things on track. @sgt-dan has taken on keeping track of who is in the queue and who is up next. @thekittygirl is one of the mods who is an absolute treasure when it comes to helping folks getting setup and coming up with links to resources as the discussion goes on. @battleaxe isn’t always around but when she is she is a vigilant mod. @seablue is another help during the show and has at times guest hosted for me. A big thank you to all of you.

The next Pimp Your Post Thursday is, of course, Thursday at 11am & 7pm EDT or 3pm & 11pm UTC. Come on and join us.


Don’t forget, you can visit the Steemit Ramble discord at anytime. I encourage you to visit the Curation channel where other curators on the platform share their curation posts. You’ll find some excellent posts to read in those curation posts. Pimp Your Post Thursday attendees can add their posts to their own channel.

You can nominate others posts in the #nominate-someones-post channel. If I use your nomination in the Steemit Ramble, a periodic curation post I do, then you can nominate your own posts in #nominate-your-post channel.

There is a growing reference section containing posts of value on the platform and about writing. Writing is a craft and one we want to do well when producing content on the platform

If you are too busy to share, there is a post promotion channel. I might look in there some day. Steemit is about sharing and building community.

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steemit ramble


whatever has happened there, i think you are a good host though and a community leader aswel.. blacklibertario is also a good guy who's respected a lot for his research despite he lives in a country like venezuela.. it's not you both i think it's others who can trigger some directions by people who then may act either submissive to the likes of political correct or those who conflict all the time... maybe you 2 should talk person to person in private or so to layer down what happened

Well I'll say it! @shadowpub I feel you handled yourself quite diplomatically, as usual. You have far more patience than I do.

I've always been impressed with shadows diplomacy too! Hey trolls gonna troll, keep up the great work showcasing such a open invitation to be seen! Looking forward to when I can make it to another show myself. Always lots of new connections and fun conversations to be had at PYPT! :)

It was very clear to me that he was simply trawling for an argument. He picked the wrong crowd to make this pitch to, the wrong show, the wrong show host.

It has been said that a man with experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument. You are a woman with experience in the subject matter he presented. He definitely had an argument, but he'd lost his case before he ever opened his mouth.

You handled it beautifully.

Nicely said, agreed.... if someone wants to keep at it and veering and baiting things then usually most groups with shows actively going on will have intervention, a kick and a ban are two different things and the fact the person is still actively at it just shows their true intentions of pulling crap then pulling the victim card. When someone wants to keep stirring the cauldron they shouldn't be surprised when some "Women" take the whole thing brewing and chuck it out the front door . ;)

Just to make sure I wasn't distracted while listening, I went back and reread the Text Chat.

What I did hear of the Voice Chat was bothersome, and then, reading the text chat, it was clear that there was definitely a problem.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that does not make their opinion fact. Refusing to acknowledge any other facts, other than one's closely help opinion is an issue with many today.

Simply put, Cognitive Dissonance gives people the sense that they are right, no matter what facts are true or not. I felt strongly during the presentation and during the text, that the presenter did NOT want a discussion, but was clinging to an opinion without acknowledging fact. AND hijacking the tone of the day.

At no time was anyone disrespectful to the presenter. Refusing to be respectful of others earned the presenter a "Kick"

Deservedly so.
Moderators are doing a tough job, voluntarily. Making snap judgements is not easy, however, the Moderators working hard to maintain a smooth day, on what is admittedly a busy and LONG day is a tough job.
They should get their doubled salary.


I have just finished listening in to the morning session, I agree what you did was right. I am all for stating facts but the entire thing sounded very one sided I mean governments and media, while not speaking to the people come on, who in their right mind will want to rely on such statistics. Whilst I understand some people are of a political mindset, need to remember that there are plenty of us in here who oppose it, which is why we have the platform to say our voice and not the voice of the powers that try to shut us up.

Thank you for the shout-out and the kind words! And many kudos to you, too, for your professional and courteous handling of all situations in the server! You are very inspiring! 😊

@shadowspub and you as well @thekittygirl "hold it down"....this is not an easy task in the wild west of the world wide web but it is very nice to be able to work together and help each other.

Do you post these to youtube? It would be amazing if i could just play these all day with rythm on our discord and would make it easier to keep up as im doing a millions things at once it seems🙃... Im in total awe of what your doing!

This is where you may find them on YouTube @dynamicgreentk by clicking on the link below:


Have a great day, every day! Blessings and groovy vibes are my wishes for you and yours.

Sarge (Sargento) @sgt-dan


Thanks for that Youtube link, @sgt-dan.

You are more than welcome. @shadowspub is my mentor and is a busy lady. I try to help where I can.

Wonderful! I 'met' @shadowspub via @dreemsteem's recently paused Treasure Hunt in PYPT. I noticed you helping there too. Thanks for all you do to assist. It's a great show with easy, flowing and humorous discussion.

Just need to figure the 'press to talk' feature.. I'm not yet adept in Discord. ;)

Takes time. Back when I was a teenager, I knew everything. Not so much now. Now I learn something new everday!

heheee!!! SOOO true! My experience exactly.

Cheers to that! ;)

This is so helpful thank you!

You are welcome. I help where I can and am happy to do it. My little contribution. I am not much of a creator, but I am good at helping. That is my gift from G-D.


Thank you @shadowspub for the recognition. I enjoy helping out where I can. Your guidance and level-headedness are invaluable in our STEEM community.

Thank you for being a great community leader and...

The Queen Pimp of Posts!

Just realized I missed this week's PYPT. Everything just zoomed by this week! Thanks for replay again, @shadowspub.

Handled superbly. And anyone who feels the urge to see what he has to say can still do so.

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