👀 Can You Solve It? Dice Challenge #24 + 1 STEEM Dollar (SBD) Prize! 👀steemCreated with Sketch.

in #puzzle7 years ago (edited)

It's out! Dice Challenge #24

Figure out the color of the missing dice and number of eyes on each missing dice. I will transfer the prize to the first person who posts the correct answer to the puzzle. To be eligible for the prize your answer should include:

  • The color of each of the missing dice combined with the number of eyes on those dice
  • A clear explanation on how you got to your answer (the logic behind your solution)

Solution: Purple 2 | Green 3
Logic: The dice of each color should add up to 12 (based on the complete sets).

Green: 1 + 6 + ? + 2 = 12
Purple: 2 + 4 + 4 + ? = 12
Pink: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12
Blue: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12

Dice Challenge #24

Dice Challenge 24.jpg

Can you solve it? Post your answer in the comments!

---> Follow me for regular updates on my cryptocurrency portfolio, recent crypto purchases, crypto research or just some Dice Challenges to train your brain ;-)

---> Upvotes & Resteems are appreciated (and they might lead to higher prizes in the future..).


2 row green 2, 3 row 1 blue

What is the logic behind your solution?

it is green because in the second row the colors move to the left, and it its 2 because Each column adds 1 from the first row to the second row and the 3 row is 3 because every dice in the left Is subtracted 1, do you get my point? hahaha

Hahah that is very creative. Again, too bad it is incorrect. The missing die in the second row is not green ;-)

Logic: Column 1(left) = Column 2 + Column 3

  • 2 = 1 + 1
  • 3 = 1(green) + 2
  • 9 = 6 + 1(blue) + 2

Unfortunately this is not correct, only the blue 1 is correct...

I would have said 3 on the second row, because there is 2 dice yellow and their sum is 4, same for black, so my guess would be that the sum of 2 green is 4 too :D plus, they seem to be diagonally linked (but that's just my point of view aha)

As for the third row, it works by pair, and the second dice equals the first one multiplied by 2, so it would be a blue 1 !

Anyway, just guessing xD

Thanks for putting in the effort! There is an overarching logic of how the blue sets are connected to the others. In my logic diagonally links are not there ;-)

2nd row: green 4
3rd row: blue 1

Multiply row 1 by row 2 and then multiply by 6 to get row 3.

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